Terral Replies to Dr. Robert Young's Comment with More Information
Trying to Help Dr. Young and You Unplug from The Matrix
You previously commented on "Has The Missing Link Been Found?" and now "DrRobertYoung" has just posted a comment as well. Here is the full reply:
"Hello, I am here. Love to talk with you. What day and time is good for you. You can email me at: xxxxx@xxx Look forward to talking with you soon. Dr. Young".
Greetings Dr. Young:
Thank you for writing. Very good. You do read your Rumble comments.
I hope that you also read my Substack post highlighting your interview. You are connecting the dots and on your way to seeing the bigger picture. My name is Terral Croft and I have been running the Project Black Star investigation since January 2011, when Terral's Research Group was formed that had 350+ members. One of those members was Billy Hayes who built 200 of the HAARP facilities around the world. He is dead now, but he sat me down and laid out exactly what was going to happen with the PlanDemic.
Tina-Terral HAARP-AI-Bioweapon-Black Star Interview Full for Paid Supporters: July 23, 2023:
https://terral.substack.com/p/watch-the-full-tv-version-of-terrals (get the 2+hour uncut version when ordering your Nano Silver)
You may want to watch my interview with Tina Griffin to connect more of the dots (more info here). The truth is far stranger than fiction and the global population is in much more trouble than people realize. We are living inside a 2012-Deep Impact-Contagion Movie that is real!
The world is going crazy because the invisible-collapsed remnant remains of our Sun's once larger binary twin is coming to terraform the planet. The PlanDemic is the Globalist Elite command-and-control mechanism that will transition to PlanDemic 2 with the weaponized avian flu. Everyone has been infected with the SARS binary bioweapon herald strain and transfected with the VAX bioweapon components (post) that are AI-assisted and about to be activated (Karen Kingston) using a series of electromagnetic pulses! Dr. McCairn explains here. We neutralized these threats using the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen (post) that inhibits bioweapon/VAX RNA-DNA replication and nanobot/nanofilament replication.
The nanobots and other nano components appear to be self replicating, but AI is using the digital space-based HAARP carrier wave (billions of sub frequencies) to manipulate nano component replication in all human and animal hosts. The biodata is being tethered to Real-world Simulation hosts allowing AI to maintain a baseline simulation for then generating billions of futuristic sims for threat assessment, contingency planning, and neutralization of threats to the Globalist Underground Ark City Program.
If you are not on the NS-SB regimen, then you are plugged into The Matrix and my hope is to get you unplugged. AI is manipulating everything in our environment and everything inside of the clueless sheeple population. I hope that you will get yourself and those around you on the regimen (How To), so the hydrogel-nanofilaments-fibers are dissolved allowing your body to remove them naturally. This will sever the AI-nanobot communication connection that unplugs you from The Matrix.
There are many posts shared on my Substack page (important post) to help you and others connect the dots. Reply to this email when you are ready.
Blessings, Terral
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Order your copy of The Mystery Explained at Amazon.com:
The Mystery Explained Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mystery-Explained-Terral-Croft/dp/1545620717
Or purchase an autographed-numbered-author’s hardcover copy here (USA only, international here), or at the website. Receive the PDF extended version of The Mystery Explained and 911Truth: Exposing the Cheney-Rumsfeld Black Operation when ordering your Nano Silver at https://www.terral03.com or on Substack (here).
Contact Terral: terral@terral03.com
Do you have any kind of proof that the SB and NS dissolve the technology?