#How Much #Proof Do You Need??? A #Solution They Do Not Want You To #Know About
Dr. Ana Mihalcea's Deleted Article from June 15, 2023
Watch Terral’s Special Report Video (08.13.2023): https://rumble.com/v37629r-lettered-agency-state-dept-dod-dhs-fema-task-force-operatives-assets-and-du.html
It is with regret and much sadness that the actions of Jennifer and Dr. Ana Mihalcea have forced me to run an investigation revealing what appears to be nefarious activity that threatens the lives of everyone. The evidence is presented for allowing readers to draw your own conclusions. This article is published first, so the link can be used in an upcoming article entitled, “Lettered Agency State Dept-DoD-DHS-FEMA Task Force Operatives, Assets, and Dupes” currently being written.
Source: https://diasporabr.com.br/tags/solution
Permanent link: https://diasporabr.com.br/posts/3950fb50edfd013b549e52540039b762 (added 10.01.2023)
Archive.org link: https://web.archive.org/web/20231001121359/https://diasporabr.com.br/posts/3950fb50edfd013b549e52540039b762 (updated 10.01.2023)
JUNE 15, 2023
ramnath@nerdpol.ch - 2 months ago
#How Much #Proof Do You Need??? A #Solution They Do Not Want You To #Know About
Dr. Ana’s original article link: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/how-much-proof-do-you-need-a-solution
JUN 15
From Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD from Dr. Ana’s Newsletter anamihalceamdphd@substack.com"Dear subscribers,
This video by Dana Ashley from August 2019 explained to me a lot… including how they almost managed to assassinate me twice. Here a whistleblower describes how 13 members of his research team and family were killed within 2 weeks while working with the Carnicom Institute. It is AI that monitors our threat level, just like I have described.
In the video it is discussed how the nano bots work on a #global scale. It proposes solutions like #Boron and #Apple-Cider-Vinegar.
Those are some solutions, all valid - but they do not improve everything, as this artificial life form is very complex…and what is happening now is an evolution…
For those who do not believe in what I and Clifford have been saying… it is time to wake up.
Clifford and I are working on other mitigation strategies, more on that soon.
I know this threat is real. I know everything I have been saying, and revealing is true - and worse. I cannot shake people out of their stupor, but I wonder how many people need to die so you believe and do something about this collectively?
#People tell me all the time maybe I should be more careful. But if I am, nobody else is speaking about this connection of CDB/ #Morgellons and the #C19 shots. Who will get the info out? Who will do the research? And what will happen to humanity within a short amount of time if the world does not wake up to this threat? I know so many people who do not believe in what we are seeing in the blood. Because they don’t, they will do nothing about it, and they are becoming ill and are slowly dying due to the acceleration of replication and exponential increase in filament content of their blood. Their life force is being hijacked. Clifford’s and my new research paper that I will post soon shows that clearly again.
I also see this confirmed daily in my medical practice. The blood contamination is getting worse in everyone. As Clifford and I have said, this is an imminent existential threat and all experiments have confirmed that.
Do you have any idea how close we are to the flip to the #metaverse? Human bodies are swarming with #nanobots and only a few have symptoms of filaments through the skin. Live #blood #analysis is the closest #evidence you will see that it is happening.
As my subscribers, what you can do is share the information. I am aware how dangerous what I am doing is for me. I cannot not do it, because the consequences for the human species are dire. Clifford feels the same.
I pray that it is worth the effort and something big will shift in human awareness. I pray humanity wakes up to who and what we really are up against and massive effort will go into finding solutions.
Please watch this video and share it. It is #crucial validation of everything I have explained so far."
This is Dr. Ana’s original article link:
Page not found
Here is the odd part:
Click on the Archive.org link to see that the article was captured two times on July 19 and 20, 2023. However, that content has been removed too!! Again, Dr. Ana wrote:
“This video by Dana Ashley from August 2019 explained to me a lot… including how they almost managed to assassinate me twice. Here a whistleblower describes how 13 members of his research team and family were killed within 2 weeks while working with the Carnicom Institute. It is AI that monitors our threat level, just like I have described…
… I pray that it is worth the effort and something big will shift in human awareness. I pray humanity wakes up to who and what we really are up against and massive effort will go into finding solutions.
Please watch this video and share it. It is #crucial validation of everything I have explained so far."
Dr. Ana shared this critical information with her supporters on June 15, 2023 that inspired me to begin sending her information gathered since 2011 on these related HAARP-DARPA-AI-Nanobots-Chemtrails-Real World Simulations topics. Two months later, she is writing on the HAARP-DARPA topics, but then she deletes all references to the whistleblower from Dana Ashlie’s video.
Ask yourself why?? What possible reason can Dr. Ana have for deleting such an important article from her Substack page that validated “everything I have explained so far”???? That is, after all, the $64,000 question where the answer will indeed “explain everything” I have said so far in this article. The reason Dr. Ana must delete all references to Terral Croft and Terral’s Research Group and https://www.terral03.com and terral.substack.com is over the use of two two-word phrases: Nano Silver and Sodium Borate.
Terral’s Research Group came under AI attack in 2012, when I began assembling a 12-member team of biologists-physicists around Billy Hayes to work with the Carnicom Institute. Dr. Ana is working with Clifford Carnicom from the Carnicom Institute. Terral’s Research Group was not attacked for exposing the truth about Project Black Star and the remnant remains of our Sun’s once larger binary twin coming to terraform the plant. No. We were attacked because the truth was coming out that Sodium Borate is the Nanofilament-replication Inhibitor that neutralizes AI’s ability to communicate with and manipulate nanobots inside our bodies. The Nano Silver – Sodium Borate regimen is vitally important for neutralizing these related bioweapon threats that includes neutralizing future threats being rolled out as part of the Globalist-Elite PlanDemic that is their Command-Control Mechanism over the clueless global population.
Dr. Ana and the Carnicom Institute are developing a series of “treatments” that trigger defense mechanisms engineered into the sophisticated SARS AI-assisted binary bioweapons and the bioweapon Vax, which forces them to run and hide throughout the body. These bioweapon components are then activated later in the timeline using a series of electromagnetic pulses allowing AI to selectively kill anyone and everyone not integrated into the AI-run Real-World Simulation. The patterns in the behavior of Jennifer (Dr. Ana’s producer) and Dr. Ana mirrors that of Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Richard Gage (AE911Truth.org), Dylan Avery (Loose Change), Craig Ranke (CIT), Marshall Masters (my first podcast in May 2011), and a long list of controlled-resistance-opposition operators hiding very much in plain sight. Please do not get me wrong: I highly recommend each of these people, as their work is far better than that of the average bear and park ranger. Again, 95 percent of what they present is platinum-grade content that is very helpful, so long as you realize the 5 percent they leave out gets you killed.
Blessings, Terral
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Order your copy of The Mystery Explained at Amazon.com:
The Mystery Explained Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mystery-Explained-Terral-Croft/dp/1545620717
Or purchase an autographed-numbered-author’s hardcover copy here (USA only, international here), or at the website.
Contact Terral: terral@terral03.com
PS. Terral is open to scheduling interviews on these related topics. Please forward this article link to anyone you feel might be interested.
So why has this Substack NOT been posted, reposted, and reposted to bring awareness. You claim you pray the masses wake up to this and your ingredients are real etc. I just don’t see much of a push to get this info out. Sorry, I’m analytical and I have learned to question everything and not to be shy about it.
They think with nanobots in anthing they can control all life everywhere.
- Sabrina Wallace ( http://psinergy.com/ )
- nonvaxer420 ( https://rumble.com/user/nonvaxer420 )
- Thomas Mars ( https://juxtaposition1.substack.com/ )