Hi Dr. Deborah: Thank you for writing. Amen. We are living in a 2012-Deep Impact-Contagion Movie with an Invasion of the Body Snatchers twist. The bioweapons behave like a virus, bacteria, and fungus in that they rewire the neural network that alters host behavior. Rather that bodies being taken over by aliens, the people are being transformed into Borg like Captain Picard in Star Trek. From what I can see, only a very few are able to wake up and heed the warnings. At some point, the whole world is filled with programable robots and we can help none of them. We do our best and God does the rest.
Before reading any of these posts since joining Substack last October (2023), I kinda figured out from my own observations & thinking capability that 'they' had indeed created some form of invading organism that permeated the entire human system including the brain, which incorporated the use of certain types of fungus & bacteria to ensure complete takeover of the cells.... This in turn was then connecting us all to the frequency grid system to allow all kinds of nefarious game play with our bodies via remote control systems.
I was leaning towards the use of a mushroom type fungus for their root system which spreads for miles prolifically underground...this would be easily achievable in the human body once the correct mechanism was established.
Over the target. A fruiting body forms as per with the morgellans structure and replicates the fungus into our dna and can take on entities of insect and reptile metamorphosis. Explains the creepy crawling feeling of advanced morgellans cases. Harold Kautz Vella observed under hypnosis an artistic patient drawing a demonic entity within her body!
He goes on to explain how this invasive bioweapon by metallic displacement gets to the brain and causes mad cow disease.
Very interesting. Now deer are exhibiting these symptoms! Baffling, ya fuking right!
Can we understand chemtrails now?!
Long listen, I e personally listened to all his video’s I can find. He is genius material. Ties it to celestial battle within our universe, the battle we are caught in the middle of! Black goo life forms at battle.
Gia stuff, gentle entity with no patience from his contact!Getting esoteric, but from my perspective it does explain it all from a perspective beyond biblical realms. I always believed the picture goes beyond biblical perspective. Looking skyward, the great mystery becomes, well a mystery which he speculates upon.
Terral03 has been on my radar for 3 years.
I’m Leary of loading silver into my body. I drink borax, small amounts occasionally.
Just part of my personal protocol. I have migrated to Ariana Love and Dr R Young’s way of thinking. Natural solutions, non allopathic…
True, the slow takeover is performed under cover in the darkness beneath the skin. People have been dumbed down to neglect the possibility of an actual internal invasion driving metamorphosis of their fundamental nature. For some reason, people still think consuming nanosilver is too dangerous to be worth the risk, and they reject it out of hand, without a shred of evidence.
Amen, brother. We are doing our best to help as many people as possible, while at the same time everyone is infected and transfected and are changing on the inside all around us. Our voices appear to be becoming dimmer and dimmer, as a dark wave is covering humanity before our eyes. This is when we remind ourselves that God has tasked us to serve the few like Christ says in Matthew 7:13-14. We should buckle up, because things are progressing more quickly now, and the society train may be about to leave the tracks. We shall see.
Hi Dr. Nicholas, no I do not have anything recent. I am working on it. Been hearing Terryl bring it up in his daily reports over the last few months. Nothing in-depth yet. He says the same...."be on the lookout".
Looks like I am making some progress with the backdoor of SS . So I may be able to start liking and re-circulating your posts soon. Good stuff there! Thanks so much for your wonderful work.
BRAVO !! thank you for bringing up the very point of "chasing the biotech/transfection further" the pleomorphisms of all their allopathic model & training is using drugs Rx like ivermectin/M blue/EDTA/HCQ again made by same biolab comapanies are further the vaxxines and now creating STEALTH VIRUS- going deeper dormant- hidden until reactivated. i have done many talks, as sabrina wallace to tony pantalleresco. firemedic 8 eric, pamela richardson, dr robert o young- on this and contagion of CONTACT VAXXINOSIS.... can make simple mineral to long term essential oils/herbs/enamas and i make distance frequency spring water/GENIUS biorife light biosound scalars via vortex plates as hooking up can exacerbate many graphenated conditions. klanmother Qnurse :karenann klanmother13@gmail.com
The Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen is the silver bullet for neutralizing SARS binary bioweapon and bioweapon Vax threats allowing bioweapon components to be removed from the body naturally. The SARS bioweapons are zapped-zombified to become a secondary immune system for neutralizing future threats. None of the other methods work with such efficiency, IMHO.
We use basic Ten Mule Team Borax from the laundry detergent section of the market. It’s pure and the same as sodium borate, boron etc. I add 1/8tsp to one liter of distilled water and consume it throughout the day, M-F. Drink regular filtered water in between to spread out the benefit of the borate water. I take my nano silver first thing in the morning, swish it around for 30 sec before swallowing. That’s 7 days for me and again at night if I’ve been in contact with sick or recovering ppl.
Hi JMarie: Thank you for writing. I place one pinch of sodium borate in my regular drinking water glass three times each day. I weigh 200 pounds, so my Nano Silver dose number is 9. The key is one dose throughout the day for every 22 pounds of body weight. I take my first dose upon waking and the last dose of the day before going to bed with seven doses spread throughout the day. I hold the one-teaspoon doses under my tongue for 30-60 seconds, but Doug says 30 seconds is enough time. That is being on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen. Blessings, Terral
Zombie blood, should be a Netflix series, lead Zombie of course played by Anthony Fauci, with supporting actors played by Bill & Melinda Gates, sequel to Dallas Buyers Club
Yes and no. Those true saved Christians washed in The Blood of the Lamb ARE NOT getting it. I work with the vaxxed all the time, I’m the same (physically, mentally and spiritually) as I was before the roll out of these satanic injections. Why? I’m under The Blood of Christ, I pray and fast and put myself under His Blood. I have the same trength, the same mental clarity, no bleeding of any kind, no fever, no nothing people. The Blood of Jesus is not only holy but also so powerful. So PLEASE stop the fearmongering.
Holy ... Anyone led astray by your delusions is worthy of your fate. The devil and his children prowl around like lions, seeking someone to devour. 1Peter 5:8.
I thank Jesus nightly for protecting us and we are also very strong and high-functioning despite hugging vaxxed, sick church members every week. That said I believe the Lord gives us the guidance we pray for which includes me discovering a 2019 video by Dana Ashley in 2023 and thereby Terral Croft’s nano silver / borate regimen. At the time I was dealing with biofilm on my lower legs and a fungus issue in sinus, both for 8 yrs…literally those are gone now thanks to the Lord opening my eyes to evil in the world and to remedies. The silver & borate are derived from the earth, the Lord provides!
Hi JMarie: Thank you for sharing your testimonial, sister. The pestilence threats are growing all around us and inside most of us as we speak. My hope and prayer are that more people wake up and get on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen and get themselves unplugged from The Matrix.
Start considering that AI has already made the leap and is running everything. Then it all makes perfect sense what they are doing. Destroying the human habitat and the humans along with it. Look around youll begin to notice the coincidences staring you in the face. Everything is killing us, who benefits?
I've never heard you mention the murals in Denver International Airport..(Underground ArchCity.. so-called 'debunked' of course) ..I was mildly traumatized 1st time I saw them, mid-90's, & didn't really have a clue why. I was frozen & amazed everyone was walking by like it was normal.. &Now I realize The writing is literally written on the walls of DIAirport according to Satanic Rule: You must tell them what you're doing... iiiifff you wanna play
Before reading any of these posts since joining Substack last October (2023), I kinda figured out from my own observations & thinking capability that 'they' had indeed created some form of invading organism that permeated the entire human system including the brain, which incorporated the use of certain types of fungus & bacteria to ensure complete takeover of the cells.... This in turn was then connecting us all to the frequency grid system to allow all kinds of nefarious game play with our bodies via remote control systems.
I was leaning towards the use of a mushroom type fungus for their root system which spreads for miles prolifically underground...this would be easily achievable in the human body once the correct mechanism was established.
Warning !! Borax - three mule… made by Bill gates & old German company . Henkle …. Same company who makes odor control underwear & eco labs . The air freshener in all the mc Donald’s & truck stops . They are spraying everyone … use a different organic brand . Don’t trust bill gates related companies .
No. Not by a longshot. We are witnesses to how the Day of the Lord is about to begin. The devil, beast, and their false prophet all incarnate onto the earth as men near the "end of the age" (Matt. 24:3) during the "next" Black Star orbit cycle in about 3600 years. Everything is described in great detail in my book The Mystery Explained. Blessings, Terral
Thank you for writing. Making Nano Silver is a long and tedious process mixing three compounds together on a magnetic mixer in complete darkness for a 48-hour period at a precise temperature. I would suppose that anyone can make their own Nano Silver after doing sufficient research and assembling the needed materials. Blessings, Terral
The WEF F-bomber. That's comedian Damon Imani. The video was fake, something he does. He's been on Infowars a number of times. But it's cathartic nonetheless.
Please pay attention folks!
Get on the Sodium Borate and Nano Silver protocol ASAP.
Terral has been way ahead and trying to warn folks for a very long time.
I also heard this talk amongst Big-pharma while working there a long time ago to use sodium -borate and nano-silver.
Other Stack docs are suggesting many things. None will compare as far as dissolving these AI connectors.
This AI must be disconnected in the cells .
This is what the protocol does.
Hi Dr. Deborah: Thank you for writing. Amen. We are living in a 2012-Deep Impact-Contagion Movie with an Invasion of the Body Snatchers twist. The bioweapons behave like a virus, bacteria, and fungus in that they rewire the neural network that alters host behavior. Rather that bodies being taken over by aliens, the people are being transformed into Borg like Captain Picard in Star Trek. From what I can see, only a very few are able to wake up and heed the warnings. At some point, the whole world is filled with programable robots and we can help none of them. We do our best and God does the rest.
Before reading any of these posts since joining Substack last October (2023), I kinda figured out from my own observations & thinking capability that 'they' had indeed created some form of invading organism that permeated the entire human system including the brain, which incorporated the use of certain types of fungus & bacteria to ensure complete takeover of the cells.... This in turn was then connecting us all to the frequency grid system to allow all kinds of nefarious game play with our bodies via remote control systems.
I was leaning towards the use of a mushroom type fungus for their root system which spreads for miles prolifically underground...this would be easily achievable in the human body once the correct mechanism was established.
Hi Christina:
Thank you for writing. More information can be found at the links below. Blessings, Terral
Over the target. A fruiting body forms as per with the morgellans structure and replicates the fungus into our dna and can take on entities of insect and reptile metamorphosis. Explains the creepy crawling feeling of advanced morgellans cases. Harold Kautz Vella observed under hypnosis an artistic patient drawing a demonic entity within her body!
He goes on to explain how this invasive bioweapon by metallic displacement gets to the brain and causes mad cow disease.
Very interesting. Now deer are exhibiting these symptoms! Baffling, ya fuking right!
Can we understand chemtrails now?!
Long listen, I e personally listened to all his video’s I can find. He is genius material. Ties it to celestial battle within our universe, the battle we are caught in the middle of! Black goo life forms at battle.
Gia stuff, gentle entity with no patience from his contact!Getting esoteric, but from my perspective it does explain it all from a perspective beyond biblical realms. I always believed the picture goes beyond biblical perspective. Looking skyward, the great mystery becomes, well a mystery which he speculates upon.
Terral03 has been on my radar for 3 years.
I’m Leary of loading silver into my body. I drink borax, small amounts occasionally.
Just part of my personal protocol. I have migrated to Ariana Love and Dr R Young’s way of thinking. Natural solutions, non allopathic…
Is Ariyana Love still publishing? Her blog stops at 11-2023 I believe.
True, the slow takeover is performed under cover in the darkness beneath the skin. People have been dumbed down to neglect the possibility of an actual internal invasion driving metamorphosis of their fundamental nature. For some reason, people still think consuming nanosilver is too dangerous to be worth the risk, and they reject it out of hand, without a shred of evidence.
Amen, brother. We are doing our best to help as many people as possible, while at the same time everyone is infected and transfected and are changing on the inside all around us. Our voices appear to be becoming dimmer and dimmer, as a dark wave is covering humanity before our eyes. This is when we remind ourselves that God has tasked us to serve the few like Christ says in Matthew 7:13-14. We should buckle up, because things are progressing more quickly now, and the society train may be about to leave the tracks. We shall see.
Yes.. we shall see :-) I am keeping an eye out in the narrative for more information on "screw worm" Cochliomyia hominivorax ;
as you have been mentioning. Now that's some nasty stuff to mix into the psycho-path brew :- ((((
Hi Dr. Deborah, do you have recent news on the screw worm narrative?
Hi Dr. Nicholas, no I do not have anything recent. I am working on it. Been hearing Terryl bring it up in his daily reports over the last few months. Nothing in-depth yet. He says the same...."be on the lookout".
Looks like I am making some progress with the backdoor of SS . So I may be able to start liking and re-circulating your posts soon. Good stuff there! Thanks so much for your wonderful work.
Yes, I sure hope so. I've been getting some odd disturbances on SS too of late
Nano Silver?
Where do we get Nano Silver?
Hello Nancy.
Here is a link that will assist. Quality product. Concentrated. One 2 oz. bottle makes 3 liters of 10ppm Nano Silver,
The special is still running.
Thank you!!
BRAVO !! thank you for bringing up the very point of "chasing the biotech/transfection further" the pleomorphisms of all their allopathic model & training is using drugs Rx like ivermectin/M blue/EDTA/HCQ again made by same biolab comapanies are further the vaxxines and now creating STEALTH VIRUS- going deeper dormant- hidden until reactivated. i have done many talks, as sabrina wallace to tony pantalleresco. firemedic 8 eric, pamela richardson, dr robert o young- on this and contagion of CONTACT VAXXINOSIS.... can make simple mineral to long term essential oils/herbs/enamas and i make distance frequency spring water/GENIUS biorife light biosound scalars via vortex plates as hooking up can exacerbate many graphenated conditions. klanmother Qnurse :karenann klanmother13@gmail.com
The Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen is the silver bullet for neutralizing SARS binary bioweapon and bioweapon Vax threats allowing bioweapon components to be removed from the body naturally. The SARS bioweapons are zapped-zombified to become a secondary immune system for neutralizing future threats. None of the other methods work with such efficiency, IMHO.
Nano Silver is Sodium Borate? Thanks!
Hi Nancy:
You appear to be confused, sister. Use the links below to bring yourself up to speed.
This is the link to the Nano Silver Webinar presentation posted atop the page at https://www.terral03.com. Blessings, Terral
Earth Clinic: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/borax.html
Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borax
Nanofilament Replication Inhibitor: https://www.brighteon.com/12948cfd-4c05-4352-bbef-f21c6fa8ffa1
Morgellons Disease Treatment: https://www.brighteon.com/f0038520-18a7-4fc8-b60a-bf68c81896e1
Regimen Benefits: https://terral.substack.com/p/terral-answers-jason-questions-about
How to Mix, Use, and Store Your Nano Silver (Video): https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store
TY for all the links - time factor issues but I’ll catch up.🤞🏻 Have placed order.😊
Silver is NOT Sodium Borate.
We use basic Ten Mule Team Borax from the laundry detergent section of the market. It’s pure and the same as sodium borate, boron etc. I add 1/8tsp to one liter of distilled water and consume it throughout the day, M-F. Drink regular filtered water in between to spread out the benefit of the borate water. I take my nano silver first thing in the morning, swish it around for 30 sec before swallowing. That’s 7 days for me and again at night if I’ve been in contact with sick or recovering ppl.
Hi JMarie: Thank you for writing. I place one pinch of sodium borate in my regular drinking water glass three times each day. I weigh 200 pounds, so my Nano Silver dose number is 9. The key is one dose throughout the day for every 22 pounds of body weight. I take my first dose upon waking and the last dose of the day before going to bed with seven doses spread throughout the day. I hold the one-teaspoon doses under my tongue for 30-60 seconds, but Doug says 30 seconds is enough time. That is being on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen. Blessings, Terral
Nano Silver - Sodium Borate are the same? TY
Where can this be found, as well as the nano silver sodium borate ?
Hi Steve: You are already writing to me at terral@terral03.com and on you way to the truth. For those seeking. Follow the breadcrumb trail laid down in these two posts: https://terral.substack.com/p/nasa-future-strategic-issueswarfare - https://terral.substack.com/p/using-our-nano-silver-video-part
Those seeking the shortcut can take this route:
Eliminate the Nanotech: https://terral.substack.com/cp/149970814
Live or Perish: https://terral.substack.com/cp/149460778
Purify Your Blood: https://terral.substack.com/cp/152360568
How To: https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store
Time to prepare is running out!!!
Blessings, Terral
my QUANTUM HEALING https://rumble.com/v62hewt-the-goddesses-of-healing-solutions-dr.deborah-drake-karen-macdonald-intervi.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
Thank you, for this information.
Zombie blood, should be a Netflix series, lead Zombie of course played by Anthony Fauci, with supporting actors played by Bill & Melinda Gates, sequel to Dallas Buyers Club
Yes and no. Those true saved Christians washed in The Blood of the Lamb ARE NOT getting it. I work with the vaxxed all the time, I’m the same (physically, mentally and spiritually) as I was before the roll out of these satanic injections. Why? I’m under The Blood of Christ, I pray and fast and put myself under His Blood. I have the same trength, the same mental clarity, no bleeding of any kind, no fever, no nothing people. The Blood of Jesus is not only holy but also so powerful. So PLEASE stop the fearmongering.
Holy ... Anyone led astray by your delusions is worthy of your fate. The devil and his children prowl around like lions, seeking someone to devour. 1Peter 5:8.
I thank Jesus nightly for protecting us and we are also very strong and high-functioning despite hugging vaxxed, sick church members every week. That said I believe the Lord gives us the guidance we pray for which includes me discovering a 2019 video by Dana Ashley in 2023 and thereby Terral Croft’s nano silver / borate regimen. At the time I was dealing with biofilm on my lower legs and a fungus issue in sinus, both for 8 yrs…literally those are gone now thanks to the Lord opening my eyes to evil in the world and to remedies. The silver & borate are derived from the earth, the Lord provides!
Hi JMarie: Thank you for sharing your testimonial, sister. The pestilence threats are growing all around us and inside most of us as we speak. My hope and prayer are that more people wake up and get on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen and get themselves unplugged from The Matrix.
Thank you, again, with, Blessings in Christ, Terral
Start considering that AI has already made the leap and is running everything. Then it all makes perfect sense what they are doing. Destroying the human habitat and the humans along with it. Look around youll begin to notice the coincidences staring you in the face. Everything is killing us, who benefits?
I've never heard you mention the murals in Denver International Airport..(Underground ArchCity.. so-called 'debunked' of course) ..I was mildly traumatized 1st time I saw them, mid-90's, & didn't really have a clue why. I was frozen & amazed everyone was walking by like it was normal.. &Now I realize The writing is literally written on the walls of DIAirport according to Satanic Rule: You must tell them what you're doing... iiiifff you wanna play
Hi Brett: Thank you for writing. Tina and I discuss the murals in our interview: https://terral.substack.com/p/watch-the-full-tv-version-of-terrals
WOW - & now out of CFR HQ 's backyard :
Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) posted at 4:36 PM on Fri, Jan 19, 2024:
BREAKING: Hospitals Injecting Staff With Live Ebola Vaccine That Sheds In Colorado, Warns Doctor
Thx..I missed Part III. @1hr 20
I remember watching this one when she released it. Good interview, good information
Before reading any of these posts since joining Substack last October (2023), I kinda figured out from my own observations & thinking capability that 'they' had indeed created some form of invading organism that permeated the entire human system including the brain, which incorporated the use of certain types of fungus & bacteria to ensure complete takeover of the cells.... This in turn was then connecting us all to the frequency grid system to allow all kinds of nefarious game play with our bodies via remote control systems.
I was leaning towards the use of a mushroom type fungus for their root system which spreads for miles prolifically underground...this would be easily achievable in the human body once the correct mechanism was established.
It’s way beyond SARS Vax.
Warning !! Borax - three mule… made by Bill gates & old German company . Henkle …. Same company who makes odor control underwear & eco labs . The air freshener in all the mc Donald’s & truck stops . They are spraying everyone … use a different organic brand . Don’t trust bill gates related companies .
Is this the mark of the beast?
No. Not by a longshot. We are witnesses to how the Day of the Lord is about to begin. The devil, beast, and their false prophet all incarnate onto the earth as men near the "end of the age" (Matt. 24:3) during the "next" Black Star orbit cycle in about 3600 years. Everything is described in great detail in my book The Mystery Explained. Blessings, Terral
I will look it up have you heard of Sara Israel. In your opinion what they did was dna changing? Ai , so it’s not to late to repent
Just bought your book. Can people make their own nano silver? I have the equipment to make colloidal silver... Thx
Hi Bonnie:
Thank you for writing. Making Nano Silver is a long and tedious process mixing three compounds together on a magnetic mixer in complete darkness for a 48-hour period at a precise temperature. I would suppose that anyone can make their own Nano Silver after doing sufficient research and assembling the needed materials. Blessings, Terral
Well that was intense. I think it was a godsend considering I'm in an up levelling situation actually thanks and bless. .
Better yet, take MMS
The WEF F-bomber. That's comedian Damon Imani. The video was fake, something he does. He's been on Infowars a number of times. But it's cathartic nonetheless.
Ebola shots are ongoing now in Colorado to hospital staff with a bat lab down the street.