You're Being Played: Trump Is the Pied Piper
For Those Still Being Duped: Wake Up Already and Unplug from The Matrix
Thank you to Brenda for taking the time to send in this blog post written in March, 2017 for those standing too close to the Hopium punch bowl. I highly recommend that anyone with delusions about Trump read the related posts on Stargate AI (post, post), Operation Warp Speed 2 (post), the Elon Musk (post) connections, etc. Terror Cell - Binary Bioweapon Activation Day (post, post; How To prepare) can happen at any moment and we are all wise to wake up and prepare (Knock, knock, follow the White Rabbit breadcrumb trail) while there is still time. Reading these words can be difficult for those still plugged into The Matrix.
Neo woke up in the real world to ask Morpheus why his eyes hurt so much for Morpheus to say, “… because you have never used them before.” Just like in the movie, things are not nearly as they seem. For those caught up in the Trump Euphoria …
… this is an exercise to help you wake up to see the reality of the situation we face today that includes this.
You're Being Played: Trump Is The Pied Piper
Richard Sauder, March 12, 2017
Permit me to set the scene. This has all been set up by the Deep State, over a period of many years, in fact.
To begin with, Donald Trump is not an outsider, he's an insider, and has been for a long time. He's a New York City multi-billionaire with numerous business and personal contacts in industry, high finance and government at all levels. That has been true for decades, even before he ran for political office.
The Trump brand was conspicuously pre-positioned before the public's eyes for decades. It's called product placement and in this case the product being sold is Trump. It's a familiar advertising technique. Very few people have their own network TV program. I don't have a network TV program and neither do you, because we're not in on the game, yet Trump had his own program for years on end. He was the boss. He ruled the roost. You did things the Trump way or you were out of there; he summarily fired people who didn't measure up to his standards.
As I said, it was a TV program, i.e., it was used to program the public mass mind, to familiarize the viewing public with the Trump brand, to present him as the man in charge. These things don't happen by accident. Television is a brain washing technology par excellence and has been used for mass advertising, social change and political propaganda since its inception. TV was used to program Donald Trump's rise to national power and influence. It doesn't matter in the slightest whether you like him or not, whether you support him or not, whether you approve of his policies and policy proposals or not, or whether you voted for him or not, that is what has happened. He is a product of the system, placed before the public by the system.
The system prepares a whole roster of these people, feeds them into the pipeline and then trots them out for so-called public "service" as it deems necessary.
The Trump supporters think that they "elected" Donald Trump to the presidency. But nothing could be further from the truth. It's all rigged, you see.
Here's how it works. Using the mass advertising techniques of Edward Bernays, based on principles rooted in Freudian depth psychology and Pavlovian operant-conditioning methods of behavioral modification and control, the large segment of the politically disaffected public that were not amenable to the mainstream political narrative in the USSA were provided an "option" that they enthusiastically accepted: Donald Trump.
In reality, they didn't choose him; rather he was presented to them as the alternative to the unacceptable (to them) Hillary Clinton. (Stay with me, this rabbit hole goes very deep, and in a direction you probably do not anticipate.)
Remember, methods of mass advertising and propaganda as perfected by Edward Bernays during the 20th century, have been employed on a wide scale, over a period of decades, in order to pre-position the product -- Donald Trump -- firmly in the mass mind. Successful product placement was half the battle. The other half was to persuade millions of people that their decision to consume that product was their personal decision, when nothing could be further from the truth.
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There’s too many “Truthers” falling for the Trump psy-op deception.
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