We are Mostly Water
We are mostly composed of water. So our health depends on the condition of this water inside us. We drink freshwater daily to survive. However, our body fluids are almost identical in biochemical composition to salty sea water. Why is that? Actually, it is a myth that ocean water is toxic for humans. Regular consumption of small amounts of sea water can provide remarkable health benefits since the chemistry of ocean water is in resonance with our biological matrix. Because modern ocean water is far saltier than that of the primal oceans, we usually need to dilute sea water by a ratio of 1:3 when we choose to drink it for health purposes.
Much research is currently being directed towards chemical methods such as methylene blue, EDTA, and sodium citrate for detoxing blood. I have already voiced my strong preference for Chlorine Dioxide Solution instead as the universal antidote to counteract disease of all sorts. I have suggested that nanosilver plus sodium borate could clear the blood of biotech sensors and other militarized wetware.
However, not much information can be found on optimizing our biological water. In general, we should be concerned with the state of:
blood plasma
cell water (cytosol)
fluid outside the cell (interstitium)
cerebrospinal fluid
kidney-bladder system
Care for Water
Here in Switzerland, water is plentiful and powerful. Fountains can be found all over the country. There are magnificent lakes and rivers as well as mountain springs. In many parts of the country, municipal water is not chemically treated. Neither chlorine nor fluoride is added. Natural filtration through the earth is sufficient. Here, as in Austria and Germany, there is longstanding science and reverence for water.
But increasingly, all over the planet, driven by greed, evil corporate entities have ravaged our bodies and our lands. Geo-engineering has gone hand in hand with genetic manipulation. Droughts, fires and floods are deliberately instigated. The US military is by far the world’s biggest polluter of groundwater. DEWs are being applied to make outrageous assaults on communities, woodlands, wilderness areas, farmland and aquifers. And in many municipal areas, drinking water has been so adulterated with chemicals it is grossly unfit for human consumption.
Water has Memory
The late Dr. Masaru Emoto who revolutionized our understanding of water’s capacity for memory
Water has memory, structure, and its own form of consciousness. This means that it retains the energetic signature of the things it once contained. These can be poisons, microbes, even emotions - both good and bad. In nature, flowing water automatically wipes out this data, erasing encrypted records. It deletes information that no longer serves life since the main purpose of water is to support life. However, this healthy deletion does not necessarily occur with municipal or bottled water. Similarly, biological fluids inside us can store unhealthy programs, giving rise to the endogenous emergence of pathogenic microbes. It can engender cell mutations from negative emotions or from the energetic trace of chemicals we were exposed to earlier in life or from inherited encodings. Therefore, unless we take measures to “refresh the page”, unhealthy information stored within the watery matrix of our cells may re-emerge and induce sickness to occur.
This cleansing and refreshing should be done regularly by both aerobic and mindbody disciplines. Movement is key. Modern sedentary lifestyles where people stay glued to small screens for many hours each day is terribly harmful for the fluids of the body. It is best to be active and to take frequent walks. But even better is to include a wide variety of special fluid movements. Such movements should include circles, spirals, swirls, gentle swings, and up and down pulsations.
We have worked out special repertoires of movement for our clients over decades of research and practice.
These special movements have enabled many people to rid themselves of chronic pain, arthritis, migraine and inflammatory conditions. When such movements are combined with meditation, prayer and/or healthy emotional transformation, the body bounces back from a weak, depressed condition to grow vital again. Immunity against disease relies first and foremost on sustaining this core vitality.
This means we must keep our inner waters in a good condition: free-flowing, uncontaminated, and highly structured.
At the molecular and crystalline levels, nature’s water continuously “refreshes the page”. Water is synonymous with freshness. Sea water is also fresh and clean. With its high salt content which creates a battery potential, ocean water constantly detoxifies itself. The salt generates small electrical currents and electro-molecular forces driven by ions break down dead matter and cleanse the water. The stripping away of electrons from garbage occurs through a process called oxidation. For this reason, consumption of sea water is one of the best (but little known methods) for us to restore health, a subject we will get into later.
But to stay fresh and to remain electromagnetically viable all water requires movement such as waves, spirals, vortexes, ripples, scatterings, concentric circles, and inner pulsations. These motions drive osmosis and instigate renewal and restructuring of water molecules.
This requirement applies to us too! We need to replicate these fundamental movements with our limbs. We need to mirror with our bodies what clouds, streams, waterfalls, lakes and seas do. Flowing, active and energized water translates into rejuvenation, high immunity, even state of happiness. The worst thing we can do is stay fixed to our little screens looking for answers. We will never find them there!
We need to focus, if possible, on 3 things:
access to clean water
knowledge about water’s structure
dynamic practices to keep our body fluids vital
Your Body’s Cellular Charges Rely on Water
Our bodies are composed of tens of trillions of cells. Each cell is a tiny battery. These cellular batteries require liquid crystals in order to function. The principal liquid crystal to be found in our bodies is structured water. When water has structure, it becomes a semi-conductor. Specially structured water lining the membranes of our cells is known as 4th Phase water, or EZ water, and was discovered by emeritus Professor Gerald Pollack. 4th Phase water is essential for detox and for autophagy (how cells get rid of garbage and recycle nutrients).
Resonance Must be Maintained for Health
But 4th Phase water by itself is not enough. Our entire bodies rely on a phenomenon known as resonance. Actually, all organic life relies this same mysterious phenomenon. Lack of resonance induces entropy (a loss of structure and onset of chaos). Resonance is another word for healthy relationship. Resonance has even been identified with selfless love, the core matrix of nature and life itself.
Everybody has seen how one tuning fork can cause another to vibrate when in resonance. Or how a high pitched sound can shatter a glass. Our bodies can only function based on resonance. Only when the native vibrations of our cells are in resonance with each other and with nature as a whole can we survive. Resonance allows cells to communicate remotely with each other and for the body to sustain its integral harmony. Resonance enables the immune system to scan throughout for problems and to send out the necessary responses when a problem is detected.
What is true of our bodies is true of biotopes and ecosystems. Resonance is the key and must not be disturbed. More than ever before, we are witnessing mass extinctions of plants, insects, birds and other animals, and depletion of soil based organisms.
5G and Radiation Poisoning
We cannot allow our cells to be drawn out of innate resonance into a fake, fatal resonance with 5G, HAARP, Starlink and techno-junk. If we do, we die.
Please understand this: many frequencies, in particular those ranges included in 5G, cross resonate with our cells or cell functions. If these frequencies cross-link with native cell frequencies they drag our cells “out of orbit”. The out-of-sync oscillations produce sickness, genetic mutation, even death.
Disturbed oscillations by cells when exposed to microwaves can produce the appearance of viral disease. However, this is in fact a kind of radiation poisoning. When a cell is disturbed by pulsed incoming radiofrequencies, vesicular monitors inside the cytoplasm become overloaded and register an alarm. Their readout is: “Help! The cell in which I live is going haywire!” The vesicles erupt from cell membranes into the fluid extracellular matrix, transporting their message of danger and alarm to neighboring cells and tissues.
These monitor-vesicles look structurally identical to icosahedral virus capsids whereas in fact, they are intrinsic cell components whose purpose is to transmit “warning programs” to neighboring cells. However, it is also true that foreign programs consisting of antigenic proteins can insert themselves into us. Such information packs in vesicular form may emerge out of parasites, fungi or pathogenic bacteria which have penetrated into our bodies. If they infiltrate the cell interior, they cause the cell to oscillate in an odd and disturbed way. Basically, the cell now oscillates on the basis of sick information. This is similar to a person who is being mind-controlled, or who has fallen under a spell. Even worse is when such programs have been developed as bioweapons. The last four years have awoken us to the horrors of biological and technological warfare being perpetrated on the human species. But people are still largely in the dark as to the actual mechanisms let alone how to counteract them effectively.
To be able to counter bioweapon attacks we will need to understand the following :
how to restore and maintain whole body resonance
how to prevent our cell oscillations going off-orbit from trauma, mind control or radiation poisoning
how to use oxidation procedures for blood cleansing and cellular defense
how to stay calm in the center lane with a clear, rational yet spiritual state of mind
The information payloads carried by vesicles erupting from our cells are actually at bottom nothing but stress responses. The stress-information they encode “infects” adjacent cells in a domino effect. Information is also released distally in the body through internal resonance. This resonance is overseen by the ANR (autonomic nervous system).
Many cells switch from their normal healthy oscillation into chaotic (panic) mode. The disturbed oscillations then give rise to symptoms associated conventionally with viral disease.
All this is just an attempt of the body to cope with damage, mutation, or toxicity. The body never does anything wrong when it produces symptoms. However it is not always successful in restoring homeostasis. The symptoms may result in an effective healing crisis or they may accumulate into more severe or even deadly patterns of disease. In chronic conditions, the body is unable to actualize a healing crisis without outside help. It may eventually collapse, “crashing and burning” under overwhelming pressure from its unresolved disease state.
This mechanism will explain to you how some (not all) serious cases of so-called Covid and other “viral” diseases are induced exclusively by exposure to non-ionizing radiation.
They, of course, are well of this effect, even if they are ignorant of the mechanism itself.
That means, to be blunt, what you see below needs to go:
To be replaced by beauty, nature, and truth:
A return to spirit and the sense of holiness:
And to venerate water as the source of life.
Inspiring Ideas for Water Purification: just imagine what could be done!
Here in the city of Basel in Switzerland, our water is all naturally filtered. An area of lightly forested land called the Lange Erlen close by a tributary to the river Rhine called the Wiese houses an ingenious land filtration system (see diagram below). River water is pumped mechanically upwards and then allowed to flood portions of the area, seeping slowly downwards where it is collected in pipes which then simply pump it through an activated charcoal filter system. The activated charcoal completes the natural filtration cycle. No chlorine, fluoride or other harmful chemicals added or needed. Also, the area is far away from any electrical power station, grid or cell phone tower. The water’s internal matrix is not corrupted by exposure to dirty electricity or nearby microwave emissions.
This wonderful, low-tech system seen in the Lange Erlen provides you with a clear example of what is possible when people still have a say (as in Switzerland) and corporations are not permitted to wreck and ruin everything.
The basic system at Lange Erlen
Pumps raise up river water from below and begin filtration through natural drainage
What is Energized Water inside the Body?
Many people who have no access to naturally filtered water use appliances ranging from simple countertop ceramic filters to RO systems and many other ingenious but expensive filtration devices. Whilst these can be very effective in removing pollutants from drinking water, they do not restore the natural energetic and liquid crystalline matrix water must possess to be truly life enhancing.
Let’s now look briefly at this concern and consider what can be done to help.
How does 4th Phase Water form in our bodies?
Remember that what Professor Pollack has called 4th phase water is a special type of highly structured and negatively charged water that hugs the outer layer of cell membranes. Keeping up good stores of such membrane hugging, negatively charged biological water is absolutely critical for the health of our cells and tissues, and for the flow of our blood. Without 4th phase water in ample amounts, our cells cannot carry out waste products, eliminate toxins, or import necessary nutrients and key hormonal messages at receptor sites.
The production of this highly ordered form of biological water requires influx of energy.
The main source of energy supply for our structured, 4th phase water is the sun. Radiant emission of solar rays, especially in the infra red wavelengths, penetrates deep under the skin, transforming unstructured water inside our bodies into highly ordered water, 4th Phase water. The process is somewhat similar to photosynthesis in plants. Plants have specialized photosynthesis cells which include chromophores. These specialized cells absorb energy from the sun and induce hydrolysis inside the plant, splitting off hydrogen from oxygen. The plant then uses the liberated hydrogen together with carbon to make carbohydrates for itself. It releases the oxygen liberated from its water stores as oxygen into the air. Of course, we humans depend entirely on this plant source for our oxygen intake and upon its carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins for our food source. Without these photosynthetic cells in plants, we would immediately asphyxiate due to lack of oxygen and also starve to death. Our blood would darken, our brain cells would die. Humans would be gone in no time at all.
When infra red spectrum rays are absorbed into the body from the sun or other emitting bodies, the incoming radiant energy also splits apart water molecules inside our body interiors. A negatively charged residue becomes the basis for 4th Phase water while the positively charged residue combines with other water molecules forming free hydronium ions H30+. These form the positively charged bulk water in contradistinction to the negatively charged exclusion zone water that clings to the membrane surface and helps regulate all receptor activity, ensuring a high level of biological and metabolic efficiency.
This results in a battery like effect in biological water due to the polarization of charge. The resulting electrical energy helps drive fluids through the tubes of the body, whether these be blood vessels, axons, or renal tubules. Electrostatic pressures drive the motion of such fluids and the nutrients they transport.
Simple, low cost ways to structure your water
What else apart from solar energy - especially in the infrared range - causes water to take on more structured states?
Here are a few very simple suggestions to get you started. Drinking water can easily be charged by the following methods:
leaving drinking water over night in copper bowls
placing a bionorth magnet directly beneath the water decanter
putting a quartz crystal of good quality or some shungite stones in a jug and steeping this for 12 hours or more
exposing drinking water to classical music or solfeggio frequencies
meditating or praying over water
placing specific geometric signs or sacred geometry designs beneath a jug of water
using orgonite to charge your water
adopting a daily set of spiral, circular and pulsative exercises (if interested, please contact us for more detailed information)
learning the correct way to prepare and use CDS for oxygenation of the blood and detox of body fluids (if interested, please contact us for more information)
learning special methods to convert drinking water into customized health remedies by energy signatures (if interested, please contact us for more information)
If you are interested in learning more about water and its role in healing, in the correct preparation and application of CDS, in special energy practices and mindbody disciplines, or in other effective methods to improve your health, please consider signing up for our newsletter at www.nicholascorrin.com. The newsletter will keep you informed about our upcoming events such as webinars, trainings, classes and retreats. If you are interested in collaborating with us on some related projects to do with water, health, or energy, please contact us with your proposal.