War & Blasphemy Operational Now! Celeste Solum: Jan 31, 2025
Dr. Nicholas Corrin and I Share Our Views
Many thanks to Brenda for sending me this Celeste Solum video.
War & Blasphemy Operational Now! Celeste Solum: Jan 31, 2025
On February 01, 2025
Watch video: https://rumble.com/v6f0r0s-war-and-blasphemy-operational-now.html
CelesteSolum, January 30, 2025
What is the connection between Stargate, Recombination, Black Magic and the required infrastructure needed to bring this to pass?
We are going to revisit President Donald Trump’s announcement on his Stargate Project, which is a massive AI infrastructure initiative aimed at building data centers across the United States. Develop, power, deploy, and maintain AI technology.
Terral to Dr. Deborah and Dr. Corrin (02.01.2025 @ 7:35AM)
Hi Deborah and Dr. Corrin:
I hope you are doing well. Hey. Brenda sent me the Celeste Solum video below where she is connecting many of the dots about what is going on with the Stargate Project. Something very insidious is happening and everything from AI to Stargate, the SARS-VAX Binary Bioweapons, digital currencies, digital ID's, sheeple command-control, etc. is involved. Disabling the nanobot components inside of people is more important now than ever. Please let me know if you have more related information, as I am very short on time and want to draft a Substack post when time permits. Got to run! Blessings, Terral
Dr. Corrin 11:12 AM (12 minutes ago) to me, Deborah (Statements indented below)
Hi Terral,
Yes, I watched the Celeste Solum video. She's right on of course about the Stargate appellation and its link to the original Stargate project with remote viewing and opening portals. Similarly, EM's [Elon Musk] original company name from way back was X. These are interlinked. Are you familiar with Jessie Czebotar's testimony on satanic abuse and EM?
My objective is to help others identify threats and create contingencies for execution on time, and hopefully without sending them a deep rabbit hole. Billy Hayes and Dr. Bill Deagle issued warnings years ago about these things coming together now as we speak that include threats from AI, the digital space-based HAARP Satellite Network, PlanDemics, hydrogels, and AI/Nanobot manipulation, integration into a Real-World Simulation, total AI-digital command and control, digital ID’s, currencies, etc., (my interview). The bottom line for me is to wake people up and get them on the Nano Silver – Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen to help them unplug from the AI-driven Matrix (How To) by disabling the nanobots and dissolving the hydrogels and nanocomponents transforming them into Borg.
What I would add to CS's picture is more of the global perspective, especially China. We know that CCP is struggling with huge deflationary pressures and debt bailout to local govts., which means the Chinese economy is going through some kind of Japanification.
Yes. China is having problems like we see in the Dragon Day Movie scenario (my Substack post) that eventually leads to invasion of the United States, and, the Chinese are already here.
At the same time, Chinese Open AI (DeepSeek) is greatly outperforming Open AI/Chat GPT in the US and making Silicon Valley look stupid, slow and clumsy. I think all that fanfare with Ellison, Altman and Son being presented as the 3 Graces is another typical reflex of the US Deep State players with their giant hubris and slow-witted denial mechanisms. Bottom line for them, or their handlers, is that the Empire is breaking apart (has served its purpose), the Reserve Currency status is going down the toilet and oil production peaked 20 years ago [actually higher now].
US oil production is actually higher now than 20 years ago. If the Black Star is terraforming the planet on June 7, 2025 (nearest proximity), then little of these things matter, and the Globalists will soon be running to their underground Ark cities. If we have another orbit cycle, then we should anticipate a US-to-BRICS hegemony shift with China capitalizing on dominating the new world reserve currency being the largest economy with the greatest influence.
Since then, shale extraction has followed suit. So, no more energy to run the giant operation means they have to draw energy from elsewhere, hence all the nanotech and the 6G based bio-digital convergence. The Corporation's plan is: let's extract all our electrical energy from our own stock to keep our rooms warm at HQ. The thing is, if you follow what Mees Baaijen has proposed (Substack called "The Predators versus The People"), it is the Glafia (global mafia, his term) who are in the process of shifting everything over to a Chinese global hegemony model. The whole continuing Anglo-Zionist domination thing is a psyops because they will be dumping all that off the shelves once China is established fully as their next global hegemonic base. I think this much in line with what you have been saying.
My view is that AI technology is far greater than we are being told, and this current rollout is more about distracting and controlling the Sheeple than actually implementing a New World Order Plan.
The NWO begins when the Elite emerges from their underground cities once the Black Star leaves the inner solar system. Everything on this side of the terraforming events is done to control the Sheeple.
In any case, things may not flow that smoothly and swiftly. Or, by contrast, the conversion could be very quick, bloody and violent.
We agree. The quick and violent scenarios happen if the Globalists believe the Black Star will be here in June 2025. The longer plan rolls out if they believe the Black Star comes in 2026.
The thing about the US players, like the English, is that they get blinded by their arrogant assumption of innate superiority, so they make stupid errors and blunders. That's exactly why Trump was installed. I think we have to be careful sifting through what is satanic alien interference and bluster and delusion. Sometimes they aren't that easy to tell apart. The Empire, for all its chest thumping, is backed into a corner so it starts roaring and snarling, which is a sign of weakness not strength.
We agree and disagree. The Empire (Global Bankster Cartel, Global Military Industrial Complex, etc.) created the SARS-VAX Binary Bioweapons that are AI-assisted and activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses that can happen at any moment.
They installed Trump into office like they installed Biden, Obama, Clinton, and the other corrupt presidents before them. Trump is getting the memo every morning like China, Russia, Iran, Ukraine, Israel, Hamas, and the corrupt Govt’s around the world. The real war is between the haves going to the underground Ark Cities and the have nots being manipulated and controlled every step of the way, right up and until God reaches down and changes everything in the twinkling of an eye (1Cor. 15:51-55, 1Thes. 4:13-18).
That makes the whole situation even more insane and dangerous than ever with its militarization of everything that moves via the nanotech and hydrogel.
Amen, brother. Like in The Matrix, those around us are being transformed into agents manipulated by AI using the nanobots and graphene oxide-based infrastructure.
The Stargate-AI infrastructure is being assembled in the US and around the world in the same way, so that Super-AI can manipulate everyone and everything in the environment. This is why my focus is on helping people wake up and unplug from The Matrix (How To). People need to know how to Eliminate the Nanotech (your post) from their body and Purify Their Blood (your post), and Activate Their Life Force (your post) to Live or Perish (your post).
The real global players are moving things around the board in their own game, as they always do. Plus, they opened Pandora's box through all those portals, so they are all in it too and there is no easy way out for them except in crazy fantasies. Their minds and souls are owned by whatever they draw their charisma from. The situation therefore is highly precarious.
My concern is that navigating Celeste’s Webinar series will be tedious and time consuming and ineffective for those not on the Nano Silver – Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen with AI manipulating them from the inside. From The Matrix, Morpheus worked to get Neo unplugged before beginning his orientation and training. My fear is that our voices are becoming dimmer and dimmer with everyone now being infected by the binary bioweapons and transfected by the Vax components. Maybe there is still time for us to help a few. We do our best and God does the rest. Blessings, Terral
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Contact Terral: terral@terral03.com
Excellent and most informative article Terral and Nicholas! Just like you cite Celeste (I did too on her recent post), I recently cited you Terral in my substack article--which actually traces back to an interview you had with Dana Ashlie just before the release of the CV bioweapon--about the intraterrestrial assault we are facing. https://resilienciero.substack.com/p/singularity-when-quantum-computers?r=pgmml
Heed the warnings folks. Not much time left. Thankful for this critical information! Please share with others. Godspeed to all!