That is the $64,000 question. The probability is that activation day comes early on a Monday morning here in the US after the sun is up in China. I prepare each weekend as if Monday morning is activation day.
Hi Natalia: Thank you for writing. There is no evidence I can see that these outages were caused by solar flares. Remember that equatorial solar flares cause these kinds of disruptions when the solar streams are directed at our planet, which is not the case here. Then, the particle waves require two to three days to reach Earth from the Sun.
This looks like a case of an ATT processing error that ran rampant throughout their network until caught and fixed. This was not an AI test run. The problem appears to be another sign that societal support mechanisms are coming under increased attack, which in this case turns out to be human error.
Imagine what happens when all US Navy Carriers are destroyed by BRICS-Russia-China Carrier Killer Missiles and Project Sandman is executed killing the petrodollar. Cyberattacks are made against our power-water-food/fuel processing-plants, banks, sheriff-police stations.
The Terror Cells and SARS-VAX "Binary" Bioweapons will be activated and the human element that maintains societal support mechanisms will collapse from watching the spectacle unfolding before their eyes and the cascade collapse of western civilization takes place in a single day. I spent Saturday putting bars on the windows and meeting with survival group members working together in preparation for the peanut butter to hit the fan, which can happen at any time. I hope you guys are getting ready.
Don’t you think the idea of “Activation Day” is somewhat scaremongering? Are you suggesting that 5G towers can directly pulse anyone, while triggers the nanotech? Sorry, if I’m a bit late to the party.
Billy Hayes built 200 of the HAARP facilities around the world and provided me with detailed information about what is coming more than a decade ago. Everything he taught me about AI, a global contagion, lockdowns, etc., is coming true.
AI does not need 3-4-5-6G frequencies to activate the binary bioweapons already inside the global population. AI will use the digital space-based HAARP Carrier Wave that is passing through the bodies of everyone on the planet as we speak. Get more information by watching my interview with Tina Griffin. Then,
Go through the information from the links shared in this post and decide if you are going to warn others, or if you are going to hide the truth under a rock.
Dr. Nicholas Corrin understands our situation and has taken heed to the warnings, and is working every day to help others neutralize the SARS-VAX/H5N1/MPOX/ETC. bioweapon threats. Dr. Deborah, Dr. Corrin, and I are doing our best to get the word out about what is really happening all around us. We are trying to get as many people as possible on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen before the binary bioweapons are activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses.
Have you read Page 93 of the NASA Warfare 2025 document? US Aircraft Carriers are taken out using "swarm attacks" with Americans captured and tortured on Prime Time TV with "Terror" attacks and "binary bio" and "EMP" in the same bullet point. Those of you wanting to help others and earn heavenly rewards for good deeds done in the flesh (2Cor. 5:10) are at liberty to share these links, or not. For me, I would stand condemned before Almighty God for refusing to warn and help others based on the grace and knowledge God has given me. Blessings, Terral
Hi Nick: Thank you for writing. You should be using Weight Chart doses in combination with Sodium Borate (1 pinch in regular drinking water 3 times each day). One-teaspoon doses (5ml) are held under the tongue for 30-60 seconds for absorption directly into the bloodstream. Blessings, Terral
I was thinking too about the Deagal report, which estimated, that here in the UK, 70% of the population would be depopulated by 2025. At first, I thought that’s impossible, but now you are saying, that there is a “Activation Day”
This, therefore, correlates with the Deagal report. It was withdrawn from circulation a few years ago.
It’s hard not to be scared by this, but as you say, all we can do is prepare!
Hi Terral - you predicted the date for the black star event to happen on 6/3/24. It is 8/21/24 today and I have not witnessed anything regarding the black star. Can you explain this for me, please?
Excellent article Terral. Michael Yon brings to mind Joseph of OT times in many ways. Or do you think I'm off on my prophets? He's not a Daniel and I missing many others. Maybe it's his humble spirit. I don't know. No jerk brothers as fat as I can call but you get it. Thank you.
I watched the movie and thoroughly enjoyed and appreciate the reasoning behind the recommendation. The director Jeffrey Travis also wrote the script. I was intrigued to find out about who wrote it and it turns out Jeffrey has an engineering background and is nowadays managing his own VR company. I was shocked by the tech presented in those bracelets as this was released in 2013… I’ve learned a lot this past year about weaponised tech and would’ve had a hard time wrapping my beard around it before. I do wonder how the bracelets identified the user… as in how the average viewer would “fill in the blanks” there… and I wonder if Jeffrey knew back then that our bodies have nanotech/or identified via emf’s lwhich renders makes our identity identifiable.
Movie also shows how quickly things fall apart. I don’t watch many movies these days and this low budget (poor YouTube quality version too lol) was super thought provoking.
The point is that China's economy is being brought down by controlled demolition and military-aged Chinese men and women are coming across the southern border by the thousands. Many of the invaders are already sharpening their skills at the shooting ranges.
China does not need a Red Dawn-like invasion. The enemy is already here and the warning signs are everywhere. Terror Cell Activation Day can happen at any moment, and Americans deserve to be utterly destroyed for being so stupid...
When is the terror cell/SARS activation day expected to take place? Thanks.
That is the $64,000 question. The probability is that activation day comes early on a Monday morning here in the US after the sun is up in China. I prepare each weekend as if Monday morning is activation day.
Do you think all those outages were purposeful or the result of the solar flares? I think it’s a test run to feed the ai data.
Hi Natalia: Thank you for writing. There is no evidence I can see that these outages were caused by solar flares. Remember that equatorial solar flares cause these kinds of disruptions when the solar streams are directed at our planet, which is not the case here. Then, the particle waves require two to three days to reach Earth from the Sun.
This looks like a case of an ATT processing error that ran rampant throughout their network until caught and fixed. This was not an AI test run. The problem appears to be another sign that societal support mechanisms are coming under increased attack, which in this case turns out to be human error.
Imagine what happens when all US Navy Carriers are destroyed by BRICS-Russia-China Carrier Killer Missiles and Project Sandman is executed killing the petrodollar. Cyberattacks are made against our power-water-food/fuel processing-plants, banks, sheriff-police stations.
NASA Future Strategic Issues/Warfare 2025: (Page 93)
The Terror Cells and SARS-VAX "Binary" Bioweapons will be activated and the human element that maintains societal support mechanisms will collapse from watching the spectacle unfolding before their eyes and the cascade collapse of western civilization takes place in a single day. I spent Saturday putting bars on the windows and meeting with survival group members working together in preparation for the peanut butter to hit the fan, which can happen at any time. I hope you guys are getting ready.
Is there a website or email I can contact about a subscription. I just tried to get a year subscription and having major tech difficulties. thankyou
Don’t you think the idea of “Activation Day” is somewhat scaremongering? Are you suggesting that 5G towers can directly pulse anyone, while triggers the nanotech? Sorry, if I’m a bit late to the party.
Hi Nick: Thank you for writing. The warnings are coming from Todd Callender, Jeffrey Prather, Karen Kingston and others as you see in this post: and here:
Fearmongering by the Media and Govt to usher in draconian measures is addressed at the bottom of the openchristian article.
Billy Hayes built 200 of the HAARP facilities around the world and provided me with detailed information about what is coming more than a decade ago. Everything he taught me about AI, a global contagion, lockdowns, etc., is coming true.
Tina-Terral HAARP-AI-Bioweapon-Black Star Interview Full: July 23, 2023:
AI does not need 3-4-5-6G frequencies to activate the binary bioweapons already inside the global population. AI will use the digital space-based HAARP Carrier Wave that is passing through the bodies of everyone on the planet as we speak. Get more information by watching my interview with Tina Griffin. Then,
Go through the information from the links shared in this post and decide if you are going to warn others, or if you are going to hide the truth under a rock.
Eliminating Nano Tech:
Live or Perish:
Dr. Nicholas Corrin understands our situation and has taken heed to the warnings, and is working every day to help others neutralize the SARS-VAX/H5N1/MPOX/ETC. bioweapon threats. Dr. Deborah, Dr. Corrin, and I are doing our best to get the word out about what is really happening all around us. We are trying to get as many people as possible on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen before the binary bioweapons are activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses.
Have you read Page 93 of the NASA Warfare 2025 document? US Aircraft Carriers are taken out using "swarm attacks" with Americans captured and tortured on Prime Time TV with "Terror" attacks and "binary bio" and "EMP" in the same bullet point. Those of you wanting to help others and earn heavenly rewards for good deeds done in the flesh (2Cor. 5:10) are at liberty to share these links, or not. For me, I would stand condemned before Almighty God for refusing to warn and help others based on the grace and knowledge God has given me. Blessings, Terral
Thank you for your detailed reply Terral. I will take my time, reading it all. By coincidence, I started taking Nano Silver a few days ago.
Hi Nick: Thank you for writing. You should be using Weight Chart doses in combination with Sodium Borate (1 pinch in regular drinking water 3 times each day). One-teaspoon doses (5ml) are held under the tongue for 30-60 seconds for absorption directly into the bloodstream. Blessings, Terral
Thank you!
Do not be scared. Be prepared. :0)
I was thinking too about the Deagal report, which estimated, that here in the UK, 70% of the population would be depopulated by 2025. At first, I thought that’s impossible, but now you are saying, that there is a “Activation Day”
This, therefore, correlates with the Deagal report. It was withdrawn from circulation a few years ago.
It’s hard not to be scared by this, but as you say, all we can do is prepare!
Hi Terral - you predicted the date for the black star event to happen on 6/3/24. It is 8/21/24 today and I have not witnessed anything regarding the black star. Can you explain this for me, please?
Excellent article Terral. Michael Yon brings to mind Joseph of OT times in many ways. Or do you think I'm off on my prophets? He's not a Daniel and I missing many others. Maybe it's his humble spirit. I don't know. No jerk brothers as fat as I can call but you get it. Thank you.
I watched the movie and thoroughly enjoyed and appreciate the reasoning behind the recommendation. The director Jeffrey Travis also wrote the script. I was intrigued to find out about who wrote it and it turns out Jeffrey has an engineering background and is nowadays managing his own VR company. I was shocked by the tech presented in those bracelets as this was released in 2013… I’ve learned a lot this past year about weaponised tech and would’ve had a hard time wrapping my beard around it before. I do wonder how the bracelets identified the user… as in how the average viewer would “fill in the blanks” there… and I wonder if Jeffrey knew back then that our bodies have nanotech/or identified via emf’s lwhich renders makes our identity identifiable.
Movie also shows how quickly things fall apart. I don’t watch many movies these days and this low budget (poor YouTube quality version too lol) was super thought provoking.
The point is that China's economy is being brought down by controlled demolition and military-aged Chinese men and women are coming across the southern border by the thousands. Many of the invaders are already sharpening their skills at the shooting ranges.
China does not need a Red Dawn-like invasion. The enemy is already here and the warning signs are everywhere. Terror Cell Activation Day can happen at any moment, and Americans deserve to be utterly destroyed for being so stupid...