When is the terror cell/SARS activation day expected to take place? Thanks.

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Do you think all those outages were purposeful or the result of the solar flares? I think it’s a test run to feed the ai data.

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I watched the movie and thoroughly enjoyed and appreciate the reasoning behind the recommendation. The director Jeffrey Travis also wrote the script. I was intrigued to find out about who wrote it and it turns out Jeffrey has an engineering background and is nowadays managing his own VR company. I was shocked by the tech presented in those bracelets as this was released in 2013… I’ve learned a lot this past year about weaponised tech and would’ve had a hard time wrapping my beard around it before. I do wonder how the bracelets identified the user… as in how the average viewer would “fill in the blanks” there… and I wonder if Jeffrey knew back then that our bodies have nanotech/or identified via emf’s lwhich renders makes our identity identifiable.

Movie also shows how quickly things fall apart. I don’t watch many movies these days and this low budget (poor YouTube quality version too lol) was super thought provoking.

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