You Think Trump, Musk, and Their Billionaire Cohorts Are Coming to Save the Day? Think Again...
Thank you to Karen for sending in this article to, perhaps, help and wake up a few. Things are nowhere near what they seem to be! Many people on the right are floating on air in state of euphoria, while the Stargate-AI Programs (post, post, post, post, post) are being rolled out to enslave and exterminate us all.
Go through the information to gather the facts for drawing your own conclusions. For those who need little or no convincing, I highly recommend that you unplug from The Matrix ASAP by following Dr. Corrin’s recommendations (Activate Your Heart Force, Eliminate the Nanotech from Your Body, Purify Your Blood, Live or Perish, then How To).
Credit: Dr. Nicholas Corrin: Activate your Heart Force against Evil
Below the article clip you will find my reply to David written this morning to help you connect the dots and understand the reasons why so many people have fallen asleep and will never wake up. Share this post with others so that, perhaps, we can save a few.
January 20, 2025 / Joseph P. Farrell
Well, here we are. We managed to make it through the four years of unmiitigated disaster and endless and treasonous grift that was the Bai Den Jao misadministration. In my personal experience I cannot remember any president falling so low on my personal disgust meter, ranking lower in putridness than even the Clintonistas, or worse, the Bush Famdamnly for inter-generational corruption. We've made it to Inauguration Day. But with it comes its own theatricalities, and they've been rehearsed in some circles of the alternative media for some time as people have noticed how weirdly "reality" is mirroring and echoing "fiction." Consider the following post - shared by VT with our thanks for the reminder - that there are even weirder weirdnesses surrounding the 45th and incoming 47th President of the United States besides and his off-the-charts taste for ostentation (but hey, after all, if you've got it, flaunt it):
A quick review may be in order here for people who may not know what this "X" post may be referring to; we'll call it "X post facto": Firstly, there's the matter of Elon Musk. Mr. Musk, of course, owns the massively subsidized Tesla electric vehicle company - and we'll get back to Tesla in the main body of this blog with some really high octane speculation - as well as his SpaceX company that he eventually wants to use as a vehicle to go planet-hopping to Mars and establish a human colony on that planet. Frankly, I think there are other agendas there, too, including the discovery of any potential archives and technologies left on that planet from whenever by whomever. Having it fall into the hands of a corporation as corporate property would be a perfect way to keep it all secret. And after all, Mr. Musk also wants to put "neural nets" into everyone's brains, and have us relentlessly and always plugged directly into the internet, and incidentally, into all those satellites he wants to launch. Did I mention it would be the perfect system for digital "currency" and no one being able to buy or sell without being plugged into it? "Hello, I'm your Beast System, and welcome to the apocalypse. Here is your social credit score for today. Oh, unfortunately, you've been very bad, and cannot buy or sell anything for three days, and are confined to house lockdown in your smart house. Have a nice day." (Insert smiley emoji here.)
All of this is made even more suspect by the uncomfortable, and entirely coincidental and accidental, fact that America's Biggest and Bestest Rocketman and most famous of the post-war Germans Wehrner von Braun - brought to this country after World War Two had expired his relationship with his former bosses, Hitler, Goering, & Himmler & Assoc., A.G. - actually wrote a novel about the exploration and colonization of Mars titled appropriately enough Das Mars Projekt in which the hero leads intrepid humans in establishing a colony on Mars. His name in the book is - you guessed it - Elon.
These Globalist billionaires are building the Stargate-AI infrastructure upgrades for Super-AI running the Real-World Simulation from the Underground Ark City connected to the Denver Airport.
Watch my Tina Griffin interview for more related info:
Billy Hayes (post) built 200 of the HAARP facilities around the world and was a valued member of Terral’s Research Group from 2011-2013. He informed me when the old HAARP analog network was upgraded to the space-based digital network in 2013. Stargate-AI is the ground-based infrastructure component upgraded to the digital space-based network already in place for more than a decade. Get more information from my Dana Ashley interview shared in this post (here) from July 2019.
David and I traded a few emails on a related topic that inspired me to take Karen’s article and publish this post. David sent me a video presentation by Jack Kruse and asked for my comments:
Decentralized Medicine | Jack Kruse | Assembly 2023
David Thu, Jan 23, 3:10 PM (2 days ago) to me
Terral you’re really going to want to hear this. No doubt you know in part and more but you will want to hear the rest...
Terral Jan 23, 2025, 5:05 PM (2 days ago) to David
Hi David:
Thank you for writing. I listened to the entire presentation while packing Nano Silver boxes. Jack has a lot of knowledge on the related bioweapon topics, but he is another educated fool. He addresses people who are Vaxxers with warnings without realizing everyone is infected and transfected. He seems clueless about the bioweapons being "binary" and AI-assisted and activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses. The bioweapons are activated, and he dies a horrible death like most everybody else. Blessings, Terral
David Jan 23, 2025, 5:27 PM (2 days ago) to me
Hi Terral:
Yes, I know what you have already been saying is true, and I appreciate all your knowledge. I don't understand how you can expose all the doctors you’re corresponding with whose blood microscopy proves what you say is true yet it does not get out to the public. I would have thought other medical doctors would be revealing this yet there is nothing. Glad I found out about nano silver and sodium borate. I thought it was fascinating how he ties all this though not everything that you have reiterated back to Ft Dietrich. Thanks very appreciative for all your work. David
Terral’s reply (01.25.2025 @ 8:38AM)
Hi David:
Thank you for writing. The important fact to realize is that we are in a spiritual battle even more than a physical battle. The deluding influence (2Thes. 2:10-12) under the Mystery of Iniquity is VERY powerful indeed and has dramatic influence more than people realize.
“and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not accept the love of the truth so as to be saved. For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.” 2Thes. 2:10-12.
This is the primary reason why so many people believe the world is flat and why people believe 100-ton jetliners crashed into the empty Shanksville field, and at the Pentagon that do not even exist. This is the reason people in mass believe the FED is part of the government. This explains why those on the left want open borders, when the Illegal Alien Invasion is destroying the country and their lives. Some 30 to 40 MILLION Illegal Aliens just flooded across the border with Fentanyl and other drugs killing off the population. Americans are being raped and murdered every day, and the sheeple would sit back and watch the spectacle for four more years if Kamala was elected. The devil uses the deluding influence to his advantage to destroy each and every day 24/7/365 forcing people to "believe what is false" all the days of their deluded lives and nothing we say or do can help them. As it is written,
‘Look, you scoffers, and be astonished, and [a]perish; For I am accomplishing a work in your days, A work which you will never believe, though someone should describe it to you.’” Acts 13:41.
The Black Star is coming to terraform the planet and the Sheeple cannot be bothered to even listen like in the Days of Noah. The SARS-VAX Binary Bioweapons are inside the bodies of everyone awaiting AI-electromagnetic pulse activation and only a very few are able to unplug from The Matrix. Then, when someone does wake up and get on the regimen, they are unable to reach those around them because the devil already has them on the wide and pave road to utter destruction. Many among the sheeple right now believe Trump and Musk and their army of billionaires are riding in on their white horses to save the day. The sheeple are dancing and cheering, being mesmerized and entranced in a state of euphoria without realizing the beast is manipulating them and maneuvering them into position to be swallowed whole. We have entered a period nearing the end of this Mystery Time that resembles very much what Christ is referencing when addressing His disciples regarding the end of the age, saying,
"And if those days had not been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. Then if anyone says to you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ,’ or ‘He is over here,’ do not believe him. For false christs and false prophets will arise and will provide great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect." Acts 24:22-24.
Trump just announced that Globalist Elite are investing a half trillion dollars to build Stargate that will digitize and tokenize everything and everyone, for 100 percent complete command and control, to exterminate everyone who cannot be enslaved. Then, to top it all off, the sheeple will shower their captors and exterminators with accolades and applause every step of the way. If we dare try to wake the sheeple up and show them how to unplug from The Matrix, they will endeavor to kill with us like Herod, Pilate, and the Jews dealt with John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. Pray to The Almighty that He cuts the days short before we fall into their hands, because, surely, they know not what they do. Blessings, Terral
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Contact Terral:
Good analysis there by Dr. Joseph Farrell. Well worth reading the entire article.
I'll just ignore this regime as I have the last 65 years. They're all illegitimate criminals.