Terral Writes to TargetedJustice.com on Morgellons Disease Treatment
Trying to Help Morgellons Disease Victims
Greetings Targeted Justice:
My name is Terral Croft at https://www.terral03.com and https://terral.substack.com and I have been helping people treat Morgellons Disease for more than a decade. Your Substack post below and my commentary are posted in my weekly Black Star Report Newsletter for my subscribers. My comments are posted below your Substack post (here) to hopefully help your supporters.
I learned about Morgellons Disease and treatment from Billy Hayes (now deceased) who built 200 of the HAARP facilities around the world. You and your people need to be on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen ASAP. There is much more going on here than meets the eye. You see the Illegal Alien Invasion taking place and Terror Cells are forming all around us.
The Terror Cells are going to be activated and the SARS-VAX binary bioweapons are going to be activated and almost everyone has been infected and transfected.
On Morgellons Disease:
Morgellons Disease is not the rule, but is the exception to the rule. Rothschild-Rockefeller-Gates Eugenics has been introducing nanobot components into the environment and into human-animal bodies for decades using chemtrails. These components are breathed into the lungs and then expelled in the phlegm to be swallowed, which causes the microscopic nanobot components to begin replication. The silicon-based chips grow to a predetermined diameter (starting at a few nanometers) for the nylon-like fibers to begin growing at the corners of the chips. These fibers also grow to a predetermined length and diameter to become the nanobot appendages as legs, antennae, tools, etc. The nanobots are manipulated by AI using the upgraded digital space-based HAARP Carrier Wave onto which AI creates billions of sub-frequencies. However, a small percentage of the population (your TI's) reject the nanofilaments that continue to replicate uncontrollably, which is like cancer for silicon-based lifeforms. Your TI's need Nano Silver and Sodium Borate in their cells to stop the replication. The combination of Nano Silver and Sodium Borate stops bioweapon RNA-DNA replication and is the very best nanofilament-replication inhibitor on the planet.
Being on the Weight Chart regimen will dissolve the nylon-like fibers and the hydrogel components that are the glue holding the VAX components together. The electromagnet bombardment stops because uncontrolled replication of the nanofibers stops as those components are dissolved that severs the AI-nanobot connections.
Kelly Bacher and I are working together to help her many clients with Morgellons treatment.
Related information:
Please reply to this email for more information if interested.
Blessings, Terral
Morgellons Support Group forming
please let us know your interest...
Morgellons Support Group forming
The Mayo Clinic calls it an “unexplained skin condition.” The characteristic subsurface fibers define Morgellons.
Targeted Justice believes it is part of an illegal human experimentation program, under the targeting program. We do not know the percentage of TI’s that are affected.
If you are suffering with Morgellons - please submit your name (first name only) and interest.
Please put “Morgellons” in the subject line.
Targeted Justice will contact you with the first meeting information.
Terral Croft, Terral’s Substack March 17, 2024
Anyone with Morgellons Disease should consider being on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen.
Connect the dots between Morgellons Disease, Artificial Intelligence, Nano Bots, the upgraded digital space-based HAARP carrier wave, and the SARS-VAX "Binary" Bioweapons by watching the 1-hour interview:
Tina at CounterCultureMom.com Interviews Terral on the SARS Bioweapon, Bioweapon Vax, HAARP-AI-Nanobot-RealWorld Simulation and More: TV Version (1 hour):
Receive the 2+hour uncut-unedited pre/post-interview commentary version when ordering your Nano Silver at https://www.terral03.com and here at Substack:
Subscribers receive $600+ worth of high-quality Nano Silver for $100 and Terral03.com pays for the USPS Priority Mail shipping. You receive an education on treating your Morgellons Disease and neutralizing bioweapons threats using video links and PDF documentation provided with your notification email. You also receive copies of my books The Mystery Explained (ePub and extended PDF version) and The 911Truth: Exposing the Cheney-Rumsfeld Black Operation.
Dr. Jason Dean Interviews Terral (02.01.2024): https://terral.substack.com/p/dr-jason-dean-interviews-terral-on
Dr. Jason Dean Interviews Terral (02.12.2024): https://terral.substack.com/p/dr-jason-dean-interviews-terral-on-7bd
Dr. Jason Dean Interviews Terral Part 3 (02.26.2024): https://terral.substack.com/p/dr-jason-dean-interviews-terral-on-b0c
Here are three interviews by Dr. Jason Dean (https://bravetv.com/) on these related topics. Get more information at https://www.terral03.com and terral.substack.com. Contact Terral: terral@terral03.com
Terral Croft, Terral’s Substack, March 17, 2024
Kelly Bacher treats many clients with Morgellons Disease.
Kelly is working with Terral03.com by testing the effectiveness of her clients being on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate regimen.
Related information:
Hi Terral, It seems like this is the first time I've read directly that your regimen will dissolve the nylon-like fibers and hydrogel components. That is extremely important. I listened last night to Dr Ana discuss the various micro plastics used and one of them is actually superglue. Thank you for your dedication to helping TI's.
Thank You!!! 🙏 Such great information! People NEED to know.
Stay Safe
Much Love & Respect ☮️