Self-Assembled Quantum Dots or Kinetically Active Microstructures?
The Right Answer Is Neither with More Going on Here than Meets the Eye
Greetings to All:
Many thanks to Deborah for sharing:
On Sun, Oct 15, 2023 at 12:42 AM Deborah wrote:
Hello Terral,
Just curious ... "katjoch"below must be one of your purchasers? People are trying to get your protocol to Dr. Ana... (Darn handlers :-)
Yes, this is Kathryn ( Survival Group Sub for years) doing her part in trying to help others come to the knowledge of the truth. A Substack article is being drafted as we speak to share this information, and to see how much time passes before Dr. Ana deletes my comments. ;0)
Watch video:
Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, October 10, 2023
Substack and related info in video description.
Terral03 comment (10.15.2023 around 7AM):
Greetings: You ask the question: "Self-Assembled Quantum Dots or Kinetically Active Microstructures?" The question is being asked because you are searching for answers. Very good. If you are open to alternative hypotheses-explanations: The answer to your question is neither. The bioweapon components being observed are not randomly self-assembling and not merely active on their own. The SARS "binary" bioweapons and bioweapon Vax components are AI-assisted and activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses as described by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, Todd Callender and Jeffrey Prather using information from their DARPA source.
SARS-Bioweapon Vax Marburg-Hemorrhagic Fever-5G-Activiation Confirmed Again: Dr. Rashid A. Buttar Validates Todd Callender Bioweapon 5G-Activation Scenario:
Watch Special Report Video (09.29.2022):
Todd Callender: Mass Awakening Accelerating... Next Plandemic Is Ebola Marburg... If We Don't Act Now, Human Beings As We Know Them To Be, Will No Longer Exist!!
Watch video on Bitchute:
The information shared in my recent interview with Tina Griffin will help you connect the dots:
There is much more going on here than meets the eye. Everyone has been infected with the bioweapons and transfected by Vaxxers with the bioweapon Vax!! The key is to transform the SARS bioweapon and bioweapon Vax components into a secondary immune system using Nano Silver and Sodium Borate:
Get more information at and
Shared here on Substack
Just an observation, China is the competition, and their huge balloons flew over our entire country. Also, what happens to blood if it is degaussed, does it repair itself, because if the particles are magnetically charged and then degaussed, maybe it kills them. Could it be that simple. There has to be something they planned on using, or overlooked that we haven't tried.
Terral03 just now
Did you notice that the US struck the balloon payload with a missile rather than simply bring the thing down? Why? Because these are US Military balloons with devices made in the USA. They are planning to use the balloon platform for selectively targeting cities with a series of electromagnetic pulses that take out the power and activate the SARS "binary" bioweapons and the bioweapon Vax components that are AI-assisted.
See my interview here for more info. And, yes, Dr. Ana's team is overlooking the answer that includes Weight Chart doses of Nano Silver and Sodium Borate.
Do you remember this article posted by Dr. Ana that was deleted? #How Much #Proof Do You Need??? A #Solution They Do Not Want You To #Know About The reconstituted version is here:
The bottom line is that antiviral-like "treatments" chase the bioweapons into hiding for AI-electromagnetic activation later in the timeline. Yes, the victims become asymptomatic, but that is the insidious nature of the sophisticated binary bioweapons engineered for the genocide of the global population. Everyone is being warned, but the powers-that-be are systematically censoring-deleting-banning-canceling anyone telling the truth about what is really happening all around us and inside most of us. More info at and Chop, chop, before this comment is deleted...too...
I would like to send some items to study under the microscope in conjunction with their presence in the blood and their interactions in order to resolve these problems. They are: Nano-Silver 10 ppm, and sodium borate. What is a safe address to receive them? katjoch at g mail dot com
Terral03 just now
Hi Kat: See my comment above posted 10.15.2023 that is also shared here on Substack in case my comment is censored-deleted: here
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PS. Terral is open to scheduling interviews on these related topics. Please forward this article link to anyone you feel might be interested.
I've been following you for a bit. Got your book in print. Ordered your nano-silver months ago. This, after having listened to your old Dana Ashley interview. Was really interested in your perspective after having listened to that interview since that interview occurred prior to the plandemic and so much of what you said was going on back then was later confirmed to be true.
With that said, have you viewed your blood under the scope to confirm your protocol is effective? It certainly would go a long way if you could post photos. I'd like to know. I bet others would too. Then Dr. Ana and the others involved in this arena would need to address their censorship of your commemts. At least if enough of us confronted them. Microscopes are relatively cheap, and most certainly useful for a variety of purposes.
Did Dr Ana censor or was it the AI? She seems to be adding terms and using them interchangably. Someone posted this website. this explains all the "ingredients" dr ana found. and how they work- together. seems she could simply take the physical evidence and prove this to b true w a summary. instead its dragged on. I cant post on her site now/ only reply- perhaps its just the AI.