Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Regimen Updates from Barbara and Kelly Bacher
More People Are About to Know That the Regimen Really Works
Thank you to Barbara and Kelly Bacher for writing and providing updates on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate regimen.
On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 6:09 PM Barbara wrote:
Hello Terral,
This is your hairdresser from liberal California!
I wanted to check in with you to let you know I'm still with you, listening intently to every video you make.
I've continued to take your Silver and Boron. I haven't been sick for years. I'm still cutting hair on all my (vaccinated) clients, whom, by the way, have been sick multiple times and as you've said, cancers exploding as well. Almost all have known someone close to them that have died. It's quite alarming.
I wanted to encourage you. It sounds like you’re going through some frustration getting through to people. I'm so thankful for you. You have helped so much. I have managed to have my three grown children listen to me and they are all taking the silver. One daughter works in a Kaiser hospital. She often will come home not feeling very well and then will chug the silver! She sleeps for hours, sweats it out and bounces back. When I tell her she shouldn't drink it like that, she says "Mom, that’s what works for me...I'm not sick anymore!" I can't argue with her. I'm just so happy that she's seen for herself how the nano silver works.
God bless you Terral. Keep up your good work!
Terral’s reply (03.09.2024):
Hi Barbara:
Thank you for writing, and, again, for your kind words. I hope you are okay with me sharing your message so that, perhaps, we can help others. Your daughter should be on the regimen! The SARS-VAX binary bioweapons are replicating inside her body between doses. At some point, the components are going to be activated by AI using a series of electromagnetic pulses. You are most welcome, sister, with,
Blessings in Christ,
Terral Croft <> and Kelly Bacher, Thu, Mar 7, 5:42PM
Kelly’s Offer to Test Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Regimen
Hi Kelly:
Thank you for writing.
On Thu, Mar 7, 2024 at 4:48 PM Kelly Bacher wrote:
Good afternoon!!!! Just letting you know where I'm at!! Yes, the silver delivered on Friday. I had been awaiting the shipment of my supplies. Last night I finally got my Bottles. Got everything formulated and put in individual bottles. I took some last night, but I didn't think enough to do anything. I haven't felt anything.
I must assume that you are following the instructions. Right? The Weight Chart tells you how many one-teaspoon doses to take each day. Then, you should be on the Sodium Borate regimen. That means one pinch of sodium borate in your regular drinking water three times each day. Both burn through your system rapidly, so sticking to the regimen is important. No. LoL! You should not feel anything. I am unaware because I have been on the regimen religiously since March 2020.
But..... took my blood this morning and my blood initially looked great. Some Liver congestion but nothing crazy. Was going to start today or tomorrow. My blood looked very different even with the one day of taking the Silver.
Just log your Nano Silver - Sodium Borate doses throughout the day and keep a record of your observations with day and time. Have your participants keep a log of their Nano Silver doses for each day. They should log the times when adding the Sodium Borate pinch to their regular drinking water. Keeping a log-diary will help them remember to stay on the regimen.
I decided to wait and redo my blood on the weekend and start my protocol on Monday so I can document accordingly.
Holy ... I would be on the regimen ASAP and stay with it, sister. Your little 2-oz bottle holds 12 doses. I have seven of them in my desk drawer and one in my travel bag and many in my nightstand. There is a 16 oz amber bottle on my desk in front of me inside a cardboard sleeve. I recommend you get into the routine and stay with it. These are sophisticated AI-assisted binary bioweapons developed and deployed for the genocide of the global population. They will be activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses and millions will die from Hemorrhagic Fever-Marburg quickly and then billions will die.
I will keep you posted. I gotta say my blood has been sitting all day on my microscope and I just went back to it....... OMG....lots of ribbons and strange Black holes. Would my blood look worse before getting better?
LoL! Just stay on the regimen and document what is going on with your blood. You will be called upon to present information on your findings. You are in a position to help a lot of people. :0)
Blessings, Terral
Terral writes to Kelly (03.09.2023 @ 8AM)
Hi Kelly:
Thank you again for writing. I am posting our comments on Substack with Barbara's testimonial in an attempt to help others. Then, I realized that your question about things getting worse before getting better was not answered. Yes. The combination of Nano Silver and Sodium Borate is the key to stopping the bioweapon RNA-DNA replication and oxygen-enzyme activity, while dissolving the nylon-like nanofilaments and hydrogel glue that holds the VAX bioweapon components together. Destruction of the nanofilaments breaks down the nanobot antennae that severs the AI-HAARP Carrier Wave connection causing the nanobots and bioweapon components to become inactive and break down to break apart. Therefore, you are looking at the debris fields inside blood that are observable on the scale determined by your microscope magnification settings. Continue to zoom in and you will see smaller and smaller components coming apart down to the 1-5 nanometer level. The body can then remove the debris naturally with some of your participants experiencing flu-like symptoms from shedding the bioweapon components that stressed the liver-kidneys-etc. Highly-infested participants may need to slow down on the regimen allowing the body to catch up.
You and all of your people should read this post noting all the recommendations for treating Morgellons Disease that includes taking L-Lysine and Echinacea to clean the blood, speed up healing, and reduce stress on the liver-kidneys, while the body is repairing itself through the process. I look very much forward to your updates.
Blessings, Terral
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Contact Terral:
PS. Terral is open to scheduling interviews on the on these related topics. Please forward this article link to anyone you feel might be interested, as we work together to help others. Blessings, Terral
What about my urotherapy practice? I have been in that practice for several years now (drinking one’s early AM urine) but am now hesitant to continue that seeing all the latest bloodwork photos and have now received my new nanosilver/borax stuff? Will it all be compatible? I’m never sick, but the thought of "re-consuming" my personally recycled nanobotic weaponry makes me hesitate with all of it now until I can get more info. Thanks Terral, I watch and learn from you constantly 😁
Thanks for the updates Terral.
Wonderful hearing Barbara's continued success and the advice for her daughter.
Looking forward to Kelly's updates!
I have been using Terral's protocol for almost 2 years with his Nano Silver/Borax.
Prior to that was obtaining my Nano-Silver from Geneva and doing a similar protocol that was advised by some chemists in the industry to boost immune systems as they knew what was planned on the horizon.
Taking borax since 2010 following Terral's Research Group back in the day.
As an ex athlete back then, I had serious arthritis in my right hand. Initially the borax had me express some flare ups . Then after about 3 weeks all the symptoms of arthritis passed.
My family and grandchildren have also been on the protocol for over one year now. No one seems to get sick.
Takes a bit to get started. After that just becomes part of a daily routine.
Thanks again and best to all on this journey!