
I've been following you for a bit. Got your book in print. Ordered your nano-silver months ago. This, after having listened to your old Dana Ashley interview. Was really interested in your perspective after having listened to that interview since that interview occurred prior to the plandemic and so much of what you said was going on back then was later confirmed to be true.

With that said, have you viewed your blood under the scope to confirm your protocol is effective? It certainly would go a long way if you could post photos. I'd like to know. I bet others would too. Then Dr. Ana and the others involved in this arena would need to address their censorship of your commemts. At least if enough of us confronted them. Microscopes are relatively cheap, and most certainly useful for a variety of purposes.

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Hi Benjamin:

Thank you for writing. Matt at Matt's Microscopy promised to get back to me and run the tests.



He was very busy and said that I was #3 on his to-do list. Maybe you can write and get him motivated. I really expect to be banned-censored-blocked-deleted-canceled until the Black Star gets here.

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Did Dr Ana censor or was it the AI? She seems to be adding terms and using them interchangably. Someone posted this orwell.city website. www.docdroid.net/tvxOR9b/intra-body-nano-network-brief-summary-by-mik-anderson-pdf. this explains all the "ingredients" dr ana found. and how they work- together. seems she could simply take the physical evidence and prove this to b true w a summary. instead its dragged on. I cant post on her site now/ only reply- perhaps its just the AI.

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No way. The evidence says otherwise. Look for yourself and decide:


Dr. Ana posted her "#How Much #Proof Do You Need??? A #Solution They Do Not Want You To #Know About" article after Jennifer sent her the Dana Ashley video link:


Dr. Ana wrote (in How Much article):

"Dear subscribers,

This video by Dana Ashley from August 2019 explained to me a lot… including how they almost managed to assassinate me twice. Here a whistleblower describes how 13 members of his research team and family were killed within 2 weeks while working with the Carnicom Institute. It is AI that monitors our threat level, just like I have described...

...As my subscribers, what you can do is share the information. I am aware how dangerous what I am doing is for me. I cannot not do it, because the consequences for the human species are dire. Clifford feels the same.

I pray that it is worth the effort and something big will shift in human awareness. I pray humanity wakes up to who and what we really are up against and massive effort will go into finding solutions.

Please watch this video and share it. It is #crucial validation of everything I have explained so far."

Okay, so this was "#crucial validation of everything...". So, why did Dr. Ana delete her post??? Why did she block me from making comments on her Substack page??? Why has she never responded to any of my emails like Mike Adams who also has deleted my videos and blocked my comments and banned terral@terral03.com from making comments at Brighteon? Why do they never mention Nano Silver and Sodium Borate? Their treatments send the bioweapons into hiding for AI activation later in the timeline. You are right, "...instead its dragging on..". Go ahead! Share my info on Dr. Ana's Substack and see what happens.

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I cant post a comment on her page. There is a blue square around the comment w no post insignia. I can only reply to others comments. I had made a comment about the insect/ reptile dna and aliens/ mind control worship them as creator. My own comments disgust me. But Im not sure if she did it or it was AI. Or how long the block will last. Try seeing if you can reply on her substack. Ive long since disregarded Adams. but starting to wonder about dr Ana. no summary more confusion stagnation. not sure why she did what she did to you .

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There is a pattern. Check things out and decide for yourself.

Brighteon Banned Terral’s Comments: https://rumble.com/vw0gqh-brighteon-deleted-this-video-terral03.com-banned-by-brighteon-from-comments.html

Dr. Ana Deletes Her Dana Ashley-Terral Article and Blocks Terral’s Substack Comments: https://terral.substack.com/p/how-much-proof-do-you-need-a-solution

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Are you able to reply to anothers comment? Or blocked entirely?

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Blocked entirely. In fact, all of my previous comments were deleted and every comment made to everyone else under every article-topic was deleted too. I wrote to Dr. Ana multiple times and never received a reply just like writing to Mike Adams and all writers and editors at naturalnews.com. That is hundreds of emails from three email accounts (including protonmail.com) on a range of topics (Black Star, Superplume, bioweapon, bioweapon vax, etc.) from October 2020 and not one reply from anyone.

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Oct 15, 2023
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can u read that short pdf by mik anderson?

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Share the link.

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i meant the physical evidence she finds is explained in that pdf

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That pdf explains all the physical evidence she found. Dont you think? she could WRAP things up. checked yes she took down the post on u and dana. not good. can u try to reply on a comment on her substack and ask her WHY- her reason[S} ??

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