Terral Answers Zach's Black Star-triggered Earthquake Questions
Mark Is Helping Zach to See the Light
Hi Mark and Zach:
Thank you for writing. Mark wrote (December 16, 2024, 6:48 AM):
Hi Terral
A very close friend of mine, his son Zachary, graduated with an astronomy degree with high honors. A super nice young man.
I sent him your post on the Dec 9 "California Quake" post.
Do you have time to briefly answer his question here in red.
I am trying to get him and his family onboard with what is happening.
Is this something you enjoy answering? I know you are very busy.
-Mark MA
Zach responded to Mark’s original (Fri, Dec 13, 2024 at 4:12 PM):
Hey Mark,
Seems pretty interesting. If the black star is locked in a binary orbit with the Sun, then a large earth quake would occur every year around the same time.
Terral’s reply: Yes, but not every time on schedule. There are many factors in the equations that account for a baseline model based upon gravity, and models based upon electromagnetic influences originating on the Sun, Black Star, and the planets. The Sun is connected to the planets via sun-planet magnetic portal connections with the Sun in the center of the solar system behaving like a proton in the center of a molecule, according to the Plasma Cosmology-Electric Universe modeling. Planetary configurations at any given time dictate whether a planet behaves with features and characteristics of resistors, capacitors, inductors, or transistors, or a combination.
Planets and their moons sometimes store electromagnetic energy to then release energy, as magnetic portal connections converge, become entwined together, cause portal-to-portal cross firing, and diverge creating highly-charged ionic clouds (for example). My predictions for the Earth-Sun-Black Star backside alignments have been right on for the last few years, because the solar system has been more neutrally-charged (IMHO), which was not the case in 2018, 2019 (for example), when Jupiter was in near proximity to the Black Star-Sun centerline.
The article points to the recent earthquake and one in 2023, are there previous dates as well?
Yes. These predictions have been ongoing since January 2011, when the 9.1 Fukushima quake was predicted to occur within four days using just two months of data. The 7.4 Guerrero quake from March 20, 2012 was predicted to occur within two days. You can see the Black Star Event Timeline at https://www.terral03.com that includes the Earth-Black Star nearest proximity date of June 7, 2025 at 9:39.35UTC.
Perhaps you are aware of the Mystery Mars Plume Event from March 12, 2012.
Mystery Mars Dust Event: https://www.nature.com/news/martian-mystery-cloud-defies-explanation-1.16924
The article says (my emphasis):
The plume first appeared on 12 March 2012 as a small bump on the dawn side of Mars’s southern hemisphere. It changed shape over the next 11 days, morphing from blobs to pillars and other forms. Within weeks another plume appeared, this one also lasting about a week and a half.
[Right click and download a copy of the GIF file]
Note the date on the magnetosphere simulation images showing the magnetosphere turned around for the bow shock to face the Leo Constellation for 28 hours on March 12-13, 2012. The Earth was due to pass between the Sun and Black Star on March 20, 2012, which means the Sun-Black Star and Black Star-Earth magnetic portal connections were converging. Giant sprite formations striking between the converging portal connections created highly-charged ionic clouds pushed through Mars and the Earth to trigger these related phenomena on the same day, which the scientists cannot explain even today. You have likely never seen these ISWA images, because they were scrubbed from the servers by the Department of Homeland Insecurity deemed unsuitable for the public.
Additionally, what is up with the time delay between when the earthquake strikes? In the recent earthquake it was only 12 hours, but in 2023 it was 5 days. Is there anything to account for the discrepancy?
No. The backside-alignment quakes are currently striking every 369 days, 3 hours, 39, minutes, and 6 seconds:
Go through both of the recent posts (7.0 California, 7.6 Philippines) and check my math where I conclude that the Black Star is now locked with the Sun having a gravitational-electromagnetic/magnetic monopole relationship.
The Sun's gravity is drawing the Black Star with force of the square of the distance, while the magnetic repulsion force (article 1, article 2) is also the square of the distance. That is why the 369+ days time between the 2021 and 2022 nearside-alignment quakes is the same time between these two more recent backside-alignment quakes. Review the data from 2010 through 2015 to realize the time differential between nearside-alignment quakes was 11-12 days. That shortened to 6 days after 2015 and is now steady at 4+ days, and the differential has been stable for the last few years.
This discovery was just realized while doing the research for this recent 7.0 California quake, which will be tested on June 7, 2025. However, if the Black Star has arrived to meet us as a Crossing Event, then the Black Star captures Earth magnetic polarity control from the Sun causing a geological pole shift that tips our planet over. This would fulfill the Apostle Paul's prophecy from 1Thes. 5:1-5 saying that the "destruction" will come "suddenly" like the birth pangs (earth changes, earthquake pattern) upon a woman with child (Body of Christ).
The truth is that we are living in an 2012-Deep Impact-Contagion Movie that is real! The PlanDemics are the Globalist Elite Command-Control Mechanism and Terror Cell - Binary Bioweapon Activation Day can happen at any moment. Follow the breadcrumb trail laid down starting with this Substack post to see the truth about what is really happening all around us and inside most of us.
PS. More info at the link below.
Blessings, Terral
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Contact Terral: terral@terral03.com