What about my urotherapy practice? I have been in that practice for several years now (drinking one’s early AM urine) but am now hesitant to continue that seeing all the latest bloodwork photos and have now received my new nanosilver/borax stuff? Will it all be compatible? I’m never sick, but the thought of "re-consuming" my personally recycled nanobotic weaponry makes me hesitate with all of it now until I can get more info. Thanks Terral, I watch and learn from you constantly 😁

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No. Drinking your urine recycles bioweapon components with no means of stopping the bioweapon RNA-DNA replication and oxygen-enzyme activity, nor the nanofilament replication. The SARS "binary" bioweapon behaves like a retrovirus twisting the RNA coded inserts into your RNA to then invade and take over the cell nucleus. The cell divides and the bioweapon is replicating itself inside the cells of your body, until the day that your immune system recognizes that the cells are not you to beginning attacking you. You have been transfected with the VAX components by Vaxxers in your environment, which means that AI is using the nanobots to transform you into Borg (Star Trek; half human and half machine) part of the Globalists Transhumanism Agenda. AI can then integrate you into the Real-World Simulation and manipulate you using commands given through the Digital Space-Based HAARP Carrier Wave. Place just one single order of Nano Silver ($600+ value) and receive the unlisted link to my 2+hour interview with Tina Griffin for connecting more of the dots about what is really happening all around us. You also receive an education on how to neutralize the SARS-VAX bioweapon threats and ePub-PDF copies of my books (The Mystery Explained, 911Truth: Exposing the Cheney-Rumsfeld Black Operation) attached to your notification email.


Here is a link to the 1-hour TV version. Blessings, Terral

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thank you, Terral. I’ll begin the nanosilver/boron protocol today after I prep the proper vessel for mixing I scored yesterday. And, no more urine consumption!

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Thanks for the updates Terral.

Wonderful hearing Barbara's continued success and the advice for her daughter.

Looking forward to Kelly's updates!

I have been using Terral's protocol for almost 2 years with his Nano Silver/Borax.

Prior to that was obtaining my Nano-Silver from Geneva and doing a similar protocol that was advised by some chemists in the industry to boost immune systems as they knew what was planned on the horizon.

Taking borax since 2010 following Terral's Research Group back in the day.

As an ex athlete back then, I had serious arthritis in my right hand. Initially the borax had me express some flare ups . Then after about 3 weeks all the symptoms of arthritis passed.

My family and grandchildren have also been on the protocol for over one year now. No one seems to get sick.

Takes a bit to get started. After that just becomes part of a daily routine.

Thanks again and best to all on this journey!

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Hi Dr. Deborah: Thank you for writing. Yes. I have been on the Nano Silver and Sodium Borate since March 2020 and cannot imaging being off the regimen for even one day due to the bioweapon threats growing all around us. My sense is that Kelly is working towards her epiphany moment to the realization that the NS-SB Weight Chart regimen is the answer for solving the bioweapon - Morgellons Disease problems. Hopefully she gets there soon, as the AI-assisted bioweapons can be activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses at any time. Thank you, again, with, Blessings, Terral

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Very interesting info and about that other group of chemists onto similar protocol. I was about to order it Friday (7 hours ahead) but I’m abroad and will do so next week. Random bit here I but read an old Russian research paper on a “silver-based” injection to fight virus’s. I’m very excited to hear about Kelly’s results with herself and her patients and am hoping that they follow the regimens instructions as I can imagine at first it can be a bit of a lifestyle adjustment.

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Oh that's great Natalia!

Glad hearing that you were able to find that Russian research paper.

I still have access to some medical data bases and I am shocked at the amount of information that has been scrubbed.

Best to you!

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This is where it's at. Doing God's work. Great info. Thanks Terral and thanks to Barbara and Kelly too.

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Thank you for writing, and you are most welcome, sister. More and more people are about to wake up and realize that the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen is the silver bullet for neutralizing the sophisticated SARS-VAX binary bioweapon threats not to mention dozens of health-related benefits. Blessings, Terral

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