
I can tell you precisely why Dr. Ana has blocked you. Please provide me your email and I will write to you directly about the matter. I feel it’s important you should know. I contemplated contacting you previously. Based on this your most recent post, now would be a good time to divulge.

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Oh, I see you provided the email on your Substack. I will reach out to you shortly.

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Hi Veronica: Thank you for writing. Yes. My email address is included in all my Substack articles and in the description box of all videos uploaded to all platforms. I am wondering why you are reluctant to simply share your info here and in the comments under articles that bear Dr. Ana's name. Here is a good place to begin: https://terral.substack.com/p/how-much-proof-do-you-need-a-solution

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I wish you could tell us all. I can imagine why you don't. God Bless.

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Yes. You took the words out of my mouth. The answer for me is simple: The first comment I drafted on banned.video.com (Alex Jones) was blocked and I was banned, because I was already on the ban list. Who fills in on the fourth hour all the time at InfoWars but Mike Adams who interviews Dr. Ana. I have written to Mike Adams and all of his writers-editors at NaturalNews and never received one reply over the years, which is statistically impossible with hundreds of emails sent on a range of topics, unless I am on a list. Jones, Adams, Dr. Ana, etc., are controlled opposition operators, or assets, or among the many dupes working for the State Dept-DoD-DHS-FEMA-Etc. Task Force running a myriad of intelligence-counter intelligence disinformation-propaganda operations 24/7/365. They banter false narratives back and forth to keep the sheeple distracted, so you never think to look up and realize that we are living inside a 2012-Deep Impact-Contagion Movie that is real. You must realize that the Global Bankster Cartel has been working with the Global Intelligence Community and the Global Military Industrial Complex from the beginning and that their paid operatives, assets, and armies of their dupes are hiding in plain sight all around us. Who is on your controlled opposition operative list? Who are the bad guys out there posing as good guys that are playing good-bad cop every day for distracting and manipulating the useless eaters into thinking the white hats are coming to save the day? Almost nothing is as it seems. The darkness is nearer to all of us than our own breath and ultimately has plans to kill us all, so they can emerge from their underground cities once the Black Star leaves to begin their New World Order. Knock, knock, Neo . . .

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Thanks, Veronica, for connecting with Terral.

His heart is so much in the right place and his protocol will help save so many lives.

He is decades beyond her info. from hard experience.

I have been doing "my best" on her SS but majority of the info. from Terral is deleted.

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I understand the 5% to the 95%. For years I have called the last 5% of anything the Cherry 5. Meaning it's the cherry on top that defines the thing in question. The question being - what is it?

There are many examples of the Cherry 5. Like DNA. The last 5% defining the creature or thing from all other creatures or things.

I have been using nano silver colloidal from Meso Silver purestcolloids.com and a pure form of Borax for several months now and it is clearing many things out of me.

I'm not sure I'm taking the right amount for my weight. I'd like to try your solution of silver and get more info on dosage, so I'll visit your website.

Thanks for your information. "My people perish for lack of knowledge."

I pray you are being truthful. There is no time left to waste wading through deception. Thanks.

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