Dr. Corrin and Dr. Deborah Meet Micha Kroese at The Health Factory: 11.18.2024
Terral Tries to Connect Dr. Deborah and Dr. Corrin to Micha at The Health Factory
Micha at The Health Factory wrote and I can see that he may very well be waking up about the SARS-VAX binary bioweapons, which is an opportunity to help people in Europe. This brought Dr. Deborah (Substack) and Dr. Nicholas Corrin (Substack) to mind who lives and works in Switzerland, which inspired me to draft the two email messages you see below.
Terral Croft <terral@terral03.com>
10:22 AM (24 minutes ago) Nicholas, Deborah
Hi Dr. Corrin (and Dr. Deborah):
I hope you are doing well. I am trading emails with Micha Kroese at The Health Factory over in Europe and Dr. Corrin came to my mind.
https://terral.substack.com/p/using-our-nano-silver-video-part (Part 2, Part 1 link is in this post)
The short of the long story: The Nano Silver Webinar video presented at https://www.terral03.com with the Dutch lady (restored link) was deleted by YouTube (my Substack post). I found the Archive.org version and wrote to The Health Factory for permission to use their video. Micha responded to me and appears on the verge of waking up about the SARS-VAX binary bioweapons.
Micha Kroese | The Health Factory micha@thehealthfactory.nl
The Health Factory produces Nano Silver and is in a position to help many people. Micha's email address is shared in the posts by his permission. I was going to include Micha in this conversation, but do not yet have your permission to do so. If either of you have the time, Dr. Corrin (like Dr. Deborah) appears to have a good understanding on the Live or Perish and Eliminating Nanotech aspects of being on the regimen versus being unprotected. I can introduce both of you to Micha if you wish, or you can write to Micha using the contact information you found in my Substack post, again, if you have time in your busy schedules. This might be an opportunity for us to help others in Europe wake up and prepare while there is still time.
PS. I am sending a copy of this message to Micha excluding your contact info, so he can have some idea of what to expect when you write.
Blessings, Terral
Terral Croft <terral@terral03.com>
10:30 AM (12 minutes ago) to Micha
Dear Micha:
Thank you again for writing. I just hit the Send button on an email to Dr. Nicholas Corrin and Dr. Deborah (my colleague for the last decade or so) that you can read below. Dr. Deborah has been corresponding with Dr. Corrin who authored these two Substack posts (Live or Perish and Eliminating Nanotech).
Dr. Corrin lives in Switzerland and has a very good understanding of the SARS-VAX binary bioweapons. I believe that you can benefit greatly by corresponding with Dr. Corrin and Dr. Deborah regarding these related topics. They have your email address from my email and from my Substack posts, but I did not have their permission to share their contract information at the time the email below was sent. They are both on the NS - SB Weight Chart regimen and have unplugged from The Matrix, and may write to you at any time. My hope is that you and your people are unplugged soon.
Blessings, Terral
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Contact Terral: terral@terral03.com