Tina at CounterCultureMom.com Interviews Terral on the SARS Bioweapon, Bioweapon Vax, HAARP-AI-Nanobot-RealWorld Simulation and More: Segment One
Full Uncut Version (2hrs 17mins 45 secs) Available for Paid Substack Supporters
Tina Griffin at CounterCultureMom.com interviewed me on Friday, July 21, 2023 on a range of topics from Project Black Star to the SARS Bioweapon-Bioweapon Vax with many questions on the HAARP-Nanobot-Chemtrail-Bioweapon Vax-Artificial Intelligence and Real-World Simulation maintained by AI at the Underground Ark City connected to the Denver Airport.
Watch Segment One: https://www.brighteon.com/cb3290e9-ab2e-4932-8374-0d2ae8d4e318
My image is blurred due to threats made against my life over the years, which Tina has me explain at the top of the first segment of our interview. The planned two-segment interview was extended to three segments due to the content being shared.
There are multiple versions of the interview beginning with segment one that is shared as usual in the Black Star Report Newsletter, Substack.com and in the Podcast Section at https://www.terral03.com. The full uncut version from start to finish (2 hours, 17 minutes, 45 seconds plus introduction) is being shared with paid supporters of my work at Substack.com. Any Terral03.com subscriber with SG-TP status (paid Survival Group and Tutor Program subscriber also paying attention) can write to me at the special email address set up for supporters and request the link to the full version, under the subject title “Please Send the Tina-Terral Full Interview Link.” Your link will be sent ASAP.
My desktop-only recording starts off with Tina speaking in the middle of her first “officially recorded” sentence, as I forgot to hit the “record” button ahead of time lost three seconds during the 3, 2, 1 countdown using my recording program. Nothing has been edited out other than my image as you see in the image above. You will be privy to our conversations during, before (after the initial official recording begins), and after the official recording, which includes our bobo’s, Tina adjusting her makeup, my clarifying statements, my recommendations for subtopics, so on and so forth. You will notice that Tina is a perfectionist, and she labors through multiple takes at times to give her editors the best opportunity for producing the very best interview possible. Keep in mind that my full start-to-finish recording includes more than 2 hours and 17 minutes of content, while Tina’s edited-polished recording includes three 30-minute segments minus commercial breaks, intro, outro, etc. Tina’s editors will add many images for the final TV Show interview, while, again, my recording (shared with Tina’s permission) shows only my desktop and occasional images on Tina’s side as notes to her editors.
This video series (free and full-cut version) provides a behind-the-scenes look to see how Tina and I work between takes to produce the best interview to help as many people as possible to wake up about what is really happening all around us. As you will see and hear in our interview, Tina has plans to interview me on a wide range of topics and my full-uncut video recordings will be available using this format for all upcoming shows.
Become a Terral03.com SG-TP Program supporter and/or support my work at Substack.com for receiving full access today.
Blessings, Terral
Related: Counterculturemom.com Wants an Interview
Katrina Sends Tina's Questions to Terral for Upcoming CounterCultureMom.com Interview
More: Helping Jennifer, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, and Clifford (And You) See the Light
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Order your copy of The Mystery Explained at Amazon.com:
The Mystery Explained Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mystery-Explained-Terral-Croft/dp/1545620717
Or purchase an autographed-numbered-author’s hardcover copy here (USA only, international here), or at the website.
Contact Terral: terral@terral03.com
PS. Terral is open to scheduling interviews on these related topics. Please forward this article link to anyone you feel might be interested.
Has anyone heard or does anyone know where Dana Ashlie has been?
glad to find you here Sir ..quiet and calm near Hanford Reach /Columbia Basin WA state ..yeah i know..ive decided to stay..pretty sure im the only representative of Jesus Christ some of these folks will ever see ..times short ..im trying to just be of the most service i can to bring glory to God