Katrina Sends Tina's Questions to Terral for Upcoming CounterCultureMom.com Interview
GUEST INQUIRY - we saw your excellent interview with Dana Ashlie!
Hi Katrina:
Thank you for writing.
Original article: Counterculturemom.com Wants an Interview: https://terral.substack.com/p/counterculturemomcom-wants-an-interview
On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 3:18 PM Katrina wrote:
Hi Terral!
Here are the questions you sent in (with several added to make enough material for the 2-part interview). Let me know if this looks like a good order, if the questions make sense, etc.
Okay. Allow me to add some commentary that may help to provide a clearer picture:
Part 1
How are AI, Chemtrails, HAARP, Nanobots, and the mRNA Bioweapon Vax connected to the manipulation and control of all human and animal life?
Chemtrailing has been going on for decades representing the nanobot component-spreading/testing precursor to the PlanDemic mRNA-hydrogel-nanobot spreading-transfecting program in operation today. The SARS bioweapon herald strains were released at the Global Military Olympics at Wuhan, China in September-October 2019 by US Army personnel that infected the military athletes and the Wuhan population creating the need to release the bioweapon Vax via Operation Warp Speed.
Both the SARS bioweapon and bioweapon Vax are AI-assisted and activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses. The hydrogel-nanobot components spread through chemtrails and the bioweapon Vax allow AI to integrate humans and animal life into the Real-World Simulation (SIM) maintained at the underground Ark City connected to the Denver Airport. AI communicates with every nanobot on earth using the upgraded space-based HAARP Carrier Wave using billions of sub-frequencies allowing AI to transmit the biodata to Real-World Simulation Hosts like The Matrix. AI uses the baseline SIM to then produce billions of futuristic SIMS that run into the distant future for identifying threats to the Globalist Underground Ark City Program. Therefore, an action you take in a SIM ten years from now can be interpreted by AI as a threat that gets you neutralized today.
Do you believe that another bioweapon virus/vaccine is coming?
Everyone is already infected by the SARS bioweapons (herald strains, recombinant strains, etc.) and transfected by the bioweapon Vax awaiting AI-electromagnetic activation. And, yes, the Global Bankster Cartel will activate the H1N1 Swine Flu, the H5N1 Avian Flu, and a spectrum of contagions that are also AI-assisted and electromagnetically activated.
What is going on at HAARP facilities, and where are these facilities?
The old analog HAARP network was upgraded to a digital space-based network using satellites more than a decade ago in 2013 for maintaining the mile-high HAARP carrier wave.
You were on Dana Ashlie’s show a few years ago sharing information about nanobot technology that is breathed in from chemtrails and enters our stomach’s juices - can you share the process on that? (Share clip starting at 22:30)
Your clip shows the nylon-like fibers characterized as Morgellons Disease from uncontrolled nanofilament replication, which is akin to cancer for silicon-based lifeforms. Those nanofilaments are supposed to be nanobot appendages (legs for locomotion, antennae for communication, etc.). Those images display the exceptions and not the rules.
So, do these nanobots actually have the ability to grow inside our bodies and then move and communicate with HAARP frequencies? What is the purpose of the nanobots?
These are not the nanobots but are structures that have undergone uncontrolled replication. You are characterizing cancer cells in humans as organs, blood cells, etc., inside the human body. AI uses nanobots of varying size (down to a few nanometers) for carrying out a range of tasks including the assembly of amino acids onto protein surfaces to constructing city-like structures-components inside the human body with communication lines, buildings, electrical substations, you name it. AI uses the nanobots to transform human beings into Borg (Star Trek reference) for optimum integration and manipulation in the SIMs.
If we’re all breathing chemtrails, why does it affect some people and not others?
When Billy Hayes shared this related information with me in 2011-2013, 80-90 percent of the general population accepted the nanobot technologies for integration into the SIMS. The components are rejected by some people for a range of reasons from genetic propensities to environmental conditions relating to exposure to electromagnetic fields. The Rothschild-Rockefeller-Gates Eugenics monsters while still breaking the 5-nanometer barrier that allows AI to manipulate nanobots on the amino acid/protein level, which seems to be perfected here recently. The Hydra/silicon-based lifeform hybrid vax component allows AI to bridge the human-transhuman-Borg gap that could not be accomplished through chemtrails.
What can we do to protect ourselves from this?
The only known method for neutralizing these related SARS bioweapon and bioweapon Vax-AI threats includes keeping Weight Chart doses of Nano Silver and Sodium Borate in our systems. The Nano Silver stops the bioweapon RNA-DNA replication/oxygen-enzyme activity to work with the Sodium Borate that is the best Nanofilament-replication Inhibitor on the planet (my How To @ Substack).
Part 2
What is coming from space to terraform the planet projected to wipe out 90+ percent of the global population?
The Black Star is the invisible-collapsed remnant remains of our Sun's once larger binary twin that comes to the inner solar system every 3600 years or so. The Black Star came to the inner solar system to cause Noah's flood and the earth changes in the Days of Moses and is coming now for the "prophet" of Acts 3:19-26. The Black Star will cause the "destruction" that comes "suddenly"
from 1Thes. 5:1-5 to start the Day of the Lord.
What is the predicted timeline for the Black Star and Earth crossing?
The Black Star was in nearest proximity to Earth most recently on May 31, 2023, and projected to be closest to our planet again on June 03, 2024 (posted on Black Star Event Timeline at https://www.terral03.com).
What is growing out of control inside our planet that is under Black Star electromagnetic influence?
A massive Superplume has filled the entire Earth Mantle Transition Zone and is under Black Star electromagnetic influence.
Global Tectonic Fault Line Unzipping Phenomenon: https://www.brighteon.com/c30c7f1b-31eb-4f9a-be09-43adc2fc5967
Superplume growing OUT OF CONTROL VIDEO: https://www.brighteon.com/3227abd3-6653-40ff-8c4a-812e32981ee1
The Week the Earth Stood Still: https://rumble.com/v1xv550-the-week-the-earth-stood-still-02.19.2019-banned-by-youtube-november-29-202.html
How do we avoid integration into the AI-run Real-World Simulation maintained at the Underground Ark City connected to the Denver Airport, and neutralizing the related bioweapon threats?
This is a repeat question from Part 1 above. Nothing can stop the space-based HAARP carrier wave. Nothing can stop AI from using that medium for manipulating the nanobots inside our bodies. The Nano Silver-Sodium Borate inhibitors stop the nanofilament replication allowing the body to remove the nanobot components naturally from our bodies.
How do we neutralize Black Star – Superplume-related threats?
Relocate away from the coasts and large cities to rural areas with access to underground cavern environments like we have here in the Ozarks. Or, have a survival strategy and plan to relocate before the peanut butter hits the fan. Join a strong survival group to increase the chances of survival for everyone involved.
Is there hope for the future?
Yes. And especially for members of your Christian-based audience. Joining a strong survival group program allows us the opportunity to create superior survival strategies for staying out of the way, until the Lord God brings us to our heavenly home. Note that we are "caught up" to meet the Lord in the air in 1Thes. 4:13-18, while the "destruction" comes "suddenly" in 1Thes. 5:1-5. God-fearing Gospel-believing Christians can be caught up to meet the Lord from the California or New York coasts, or here in the Ozarks. The idea for me is to prepare physically (survival group program) and spiritually (The Mystery Explained, helping others to see God's hidden wisdom) to the best of my God-given abilities to run the race as to win. Some Christians will choose to prepare physically or spiritually depending on their resources and situations.
We already have our topics and guests lined up through the month of September, but I will mention the possibility of a 9/11 interview to Tina. Thanks so much!
You are most welcome, sister. My apologies for not bringing these other topics up sooner. You can always check the topics at https://terral.substack.com and let me know if you want an interview. The whole world is about to change moving through August into September. I hope that you guys are ready.
Blessings, Terral
Download a free 2023 Black Star Report Newsletter, subscribe to the Black Star Report Newsletter-Survival Group Program, and get more information in the Project Black Star Section at https://www.terral03.com. Contact Terral: terral@terral03.com
Many thanks to Jill for sending this info to terral@terral03.com:
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Thank you! I just happen to have 3 boxes of borax. 🥰