Hi Terral,

Appreciate the information and your time in answering some questions from real-time users of the Nano-Silver/Sodium Borate protocol.

Oh my!

Such a tangled web out there is cyber-space in reference to Nano Silver being confused with Colloidal Silver.

This is understandable to a degree. Requires some investigation.

Our minds are literally cluttered with all kinds of "remedies / detox protocols, etc. etc.

Fear is always the root of destruction.

At least here on SStack the "war" on Nano-Silver is in full swing. Reminds me back in 2010 with the "war" on borax.

Some of these "protocols" out there with certain products recommended by "experts", IMHO, can kill you in the long run.

"Scientific" studies showing how destructive Nano-Silver is to the body?

Borax will turn you into a "glowing" battery?

In the meantime, through a baseline and a good "control "of investigation testing this protocol, plenty of information will be revealed.

It is so TRUE as you state: You can't dispose of the cell-towers and 2012 conversion of Analog to Digital HAARP. The only thing you can do is protect your individual cells.

Thank you for the information and heart-felt concern to help folks.

Godspeed to ALL!

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Great article! I am very interested in nano silver and its superiority to colloidal silver. Where do I find the Nano silver Sodium Borate Weight Chart Regimen? I have had multiple serious health issues since the pandemic that have changed my life drastically for the worst. I want to begin the regimen asap. Kind regards.

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