Karen Kingston: The Covid-Mpox-HIV Supervirus
The Weaponized Superstrains Are Coming: Prepare While There Is Still Time
We owe a thanks to Karen for sending in this article:
On Sun, Aug 25, 2024 at 8:56 AM Karen wrote:
Karen Kingston: The covid-mpox-HIV supervirus
By Rhoda Wilson on August 25, 2024
They are attempting to develop a virus that combines RNA from SARS-CoV-2, mpox and HIV. The aim is to have a “supervirus” that can be aerosolised and then from the resulting mpox infections, HIV can be transmitted to others through direct skin-to-skin contact, Karen Kingston says.
Why do they want to develop HIV that is skin contagious? Because the aim is to weaken our immune systems; all of our immune systems, not only those who have been vaccinated.
On Wednesday, Karen Kingston joined Brannon Howse to discuss the US House Committee questioning the alliance of the Biden-Harris Administration alliance with the Chinese Communist Party (“CCP”) and the US biopharmaceutical FDA trials being conducted by the Chinese military.
They also followed up on a discussion they had in June 2022 about how HIV and mpox are encoded into the SARS-2 mRNA virus and its mRNA injections.
“It appears that the NIH has been funding the creation of a highly debilitating immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that can be transmitted via an injection, or even via skin-to-skin contact during herpetic skin lesion breakouts (“mpox”),” Kingston said.
During her interview with Howse, Kingston explained that NIH has given several grants for viral or vaccine research. With these grants, “all they’re doing is trying to figure out: ‘How can I take a virus that’s normally not that infectious (so it cannot spread) how can I take a skin-to-skin contact virus and aerosolise it, and also how can I make it make the entire immune system stand down so [the virus] can actually get into human cells’,” she said.
She explained that US and Canadian scientists filed a patent for mpox in China. The patent shows that the “monkeypox mRNA” was encoded as a latent virus into the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA found in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s covid-19 mRNA injections. In other words, a multi-species mpox was being used as a vaccine delivery vehicle for SARS-CoV-2.
“So, they’re saying that mpox is a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. It makes no sense,” she said. “And now the NIH is funding ways to aerosolise this.”
In some people, the covid injections cause vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (“VAIDS”)*, which weakens their immune system. And, Kingstone explained, because the sequences for pox-like viruses are embedded in the mRNA sequences contained in covid injections, those who develop VAIDS are likely to present with shingles and other herpetic (herpes virus) outbreaks, and herpetic cancer which is called Kaposi Sarcoma.
Continue: https://expose-news.com/2024/08/25/the-covid-mpox-hiv-supervirus/
I highly recommend that you continue reading this important article that includes a Stew Peters-Maria Zee interview, and a video clip highlighting points from Karen Kingston’s full interview. There are also links (behind a paywall) to these articles:
House Committee Questions Biden Administration’s Alliance in CCP Warfare Against Americans
Covid-19 Injections Contain Multi-Species Pox Virus mRNA per Patent
The bottom line here is that the US Govt with the US military and lettered agencies have been weaponized against the Sheeple and the activation of Binary Bioweapons are part of the NASA Future Strategic Issues/Warfare 2025 strategy.
The Pestilence Agenda is being rolled out before our eyes using headlines that include the SARS-VAX, Avian Flus, MPox, Etc., culminating in PlanDemic 2 Lockdowns and Medical Martial Law. Neutralize the binary bioweapon threats by getting on and staying on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen (related info and links here). Share this information with others while there is still time to prepare.
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