Subscribe to his newsletter, it is worth way more than the 25 dollars a year

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Hi Lloyd: Thank you for writing. Yes. Way more. The $25 and $50 rates are for the time required for processing the related notifications. Then, you also receive the ePub version of The Mystery Explained and discounts on Nano Silver purchases that are also worth more than the yearly subscription rate. Blessings, Terral

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Below is a great chart/timeline of EMF patent/development by the 3-letter agency busy psychos.

If anyone is questioning why plasma is placed in the sky-trails the answer is at the end of this doc.


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Thank you Terral for the work that you do informing others about the benefits of the borax and nano silver regimen. Been taking both for 2 weeks and i recommend it to anyone, don't doubt it, especially if your health is impacted by chemtrails and the bioweapon transfection.

I wonder if diatomaceous earth has similar properties in terms of slicing the nanofilament appendages in the digestive system .. the skeleton of diatomites (what DE is made of) is very sharp and can kill things like parasites, but i don't know if it can be effective against things that are nanosized, i doubt it ..

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Can't hurt - I take DE as well:


How much borax do you take?

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Everyone receives an education on taking the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate regimen using the related links posted in your Terral03.com Nano Silver Purchase Notification Email. I use one pinch of Sodium Borate (20 Mule Team Borax) in my regular drinking water three times each day. I am on for five days of the week and then take off on the weekends for the Sodium Borate. Related info below.

Nanofilament Replication Inhibitor: https://www.brighteon.com/12948cfd-4c05-4352-bbef-f21c6fa8ffa1

What Really Is Shedding? C19 Unvaccinated Blood Lit Up Like A Christmas Tree By What Appears To Be Polymer Coated Quantum Dots


Vaxxers Transfecting Non-Vaxxers: https://www.brighteon.com/a1136352-49ce-4388-82eb-456493643254


How to Mix, Use, and Store Your Nano Silver (Video): https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store

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Thank you so much Terral for your note. As an EMF activist, I appreciate the work you do in raising awareness about specifically the lower frequencies, Haarp etc.

I am helping Arthur Firstenberg create a presence online as well. Have you read the Invisible Rainbow?

Arthur was one of the first to help me think in terms of how the flu is an electrical illness:


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Such a delight to read about your support of Arthur Firstengurg's work.

Read the Invisible Rainbow years ago. Such an outstanding collection of information.

A MUST read!! He is a wealth of information.

I have attempted to share the information to Dr. Ana's substack . Questioning how there could be a 5 hour symposium without Arthur Firstenburg being invited?

My question was never answered. Keep up the superior work!

Here is a link for those interested in his work/newsletters etc.


I will continue to stay on the NS SB protocol.

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What do you know about Ana, Nixon and Ber with respect to their opinion re: Teral's protocol effectiveness, if anything?

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Would love an opinion from that team.

I know Terral has relentlessly attempted to contact Dr. Ana.

Then he got banned from posting???

Alot of my comments in reference to NS and Sodium borate have also been removed??

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I use DE too, i agree, can't hurt. I had read that post of yours, it's really good.

I take about 50mg of borax (sodium borate) daily (i sometimes forget though ..), that's about 5mg of boron.

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Thank you so much Marty! I'm glad you got something out of the post. Sorry to bombard you with it again - I'm a mass marketer what can I say (: Thanks as well for your note on the borax. I'll give it a shot. Have you felt any profound or subtle differences in your health?

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No problem :) It's honestly too early to tell, i've only been taking it for a month, but i plan to write an article about it.

Initially, i was interested in boron not only by its nano inhibitor properties but also because of the fact that it's alkaline (pH 9), and my diet is rather acidic (does it help to balance the body's pH ? i don't know yet). I was also curious about all these dumb articles saying that borax is dangerous and shouldn't be used, prompting me to think that this was obvious gaslighting and that it could have interesting health benefits.


"Boron, a trace mineral in borax, is essential for proper hormone function and calcium-magnesium balance. Many diseases today are related to simple nutritional deficiencies, and restoring a low nutrient like boron can significantly improve overall health"

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Thanks Marty...you're going back...back in time...(: with your ancestral remedies. A farmer I know told me that boron is another one of those trace minerals that has gotten stripped from the soil. Many of us know about magnesium, manganese, but boron flies under the radar for many. Thanks for the calcium-mag connection. In my research and life I've found that clients and loved ones who have calcium deficiencies have issues concentrating, brain fog, chest pains, etc. Makes sense in this EMF-laden modern world that disrupts our bodies VGCC (voltage-gated calcium channels).

Write an article for sure! For us, it seems like many are talking about boron, but for most, they've probably never heard of it.

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I’d like to see if the DEWs are less effective. I get my order today of Nano Silver.

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How do you tell that it’s working?

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For me, God led me to the truth about Sodium Borate and then Nano Silver through a series of life-death experiences and revelations. The reports coming from those on the regimen are that we do not get sick and die like those around us. We will know more when AI activates the SARS-VAX components using a series of electromagnetic pulses on Binary Bioweapon Activation Day and those of us on the regimen appear to be immune.

The common denominator in my work (The Mystery Explained; Seeing God's wisdom, Project Black Star, 911Truth, AI-assisted Binary Bioweapons, etc.) is that the truth is hidden in plain sight right before our noses, but only the few with feet on the path to Life can see. Most everyone around us is running down the path to utter destruction like in the Days of Noah, when the Black Star came to change everything.

We are living inside a 2012-Deep Impact-Contagion-The Matrix Movie that is real and we are the ones with the red pill, and Smiths (AI, like the woman in the red dress) are inside everyone around us. Knock, knock. The Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen is the red pill that unplugs you from The Matrix.... You will have to see that for yourself....

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Hi Terral, if you were taking this everyday, and you wanted to also be detoxing heavy metals - would detoxing negate the colloidal silver out of the mix? if so would you recommend pausing this.. for the duration of the detox timeframe?

Also, I keep up with a lot of folks investigating what's in the blood and also food stuffs, everyday items we use and meds, etc. etc. It has come up as a remedy to use colloidal gold too, (in terms of the nano structures )however, from chats even Dr Ana has said she is not keen on recommending the use of any metals in terms of the 5G connection/affect. I just wonder have you any thoughts on this too? Do you see it as a concern.. I know a lot of ppl are questioning this right now. Is it a benefit vs risk scenario.

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Hi Koppy: First, we are writing about "Nano Silver" (5nm particle size) and not inferior Colloidal Silver: https://elementasilver.com/blog/colloidal-silver-vs-nano-silver/

Then, Nano Silver is highly reactive and burns through the body very quickly. That is why a 200-pound person like me takes 9 doses per day, according to the Weight Chart regimen. Your body uses up the Nano Silver faster than any detox treatments.

Let's do the math to gain some idea of how much Nano Silver is required for achieving maximum benefit. Producing 100 of the 2-ounce bottles of Nano Silver (500ppm) in the laboratory requires just 8.5 grams of Silver Nitrate, which amounts to about one teaspoon. Those 100 bottles at the 500ppm concentration produce 300 liters of Nano Silver at the 10ppm concentration for taking daily doses, or about 80 gallons, or more than 61,000 doses.

Silver Nanoparticle Webinar Presentation: https://youtu.be/IoxFckpUq44

I recommend that anyone with questions or concerns about using Nano Silver watch the webinar presentation. Next:

Dr. Ana and metals and 5G: Anyone issuing warnings about using the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate regimen is doing so to suit their ill-conceived agenda, IMHO. The entire 5G-bioweapon-activation narrative is manipulated by the lettered agencies and their fascist counterparts to control the sheeple. AI will activate the SARS bioweapons and bioweapon Vax components using the Digital Space-based HAARP Carrier Wave used to manipulate the nanobots in every human being and animal host on the planet simultaneously.

AI can utilize AM-FM radio frequency waves and 3-4-5-6G waves, and X-rays and every frequency along the entire electromagnetic spectrum for achieving optimum outcomes for protecting the Globalist-run Underground Ark City Program. The 5G propaganda is used to help AI and the lettered agency-fascists-etc. manipulate the many false narratives, while using keyword analysis for identifying potential threats. For example: your message to me was red flagged by AI because you mentioned 5G, and especially with Colloidal Silver and Nano Gold, etc. The bottom line is that Nano Silver stops the SARS bioweapon RNA-DNA replication and oxygen-enzyme activity, and works with the Sodium Borate as the best Nanofilament-replication inhibitor on the planet. Those opting to go off the Nano Silver-Sodium Borate regimen are doing so to their own peril, IMHO.

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I've heard this concern as well but in my mind, 10ppm nano silver is very little. We probably take in more metal in the air we breathe and the food and water. There's a biological threat out there that is meant to kill every one of us. I'd rather have protection from that than the slight possibility that the nano silver could make me more conductive... I know you asked Terral, but I just wanted to throw my thoughts in there. God bless. We have to stick together.

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Hi SanJose: Thank you for writing. Very good. We agree that we have to stick together. Your answer takes a no-nonsense logical approach to the question. There is a ton of propaganda out there engineered to frighten people into disregarding the benefits of being on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate regimen. For me, those willing to be moved by such disinformation are worthy of what happens when the SARS bioweapons and bioweapon Vax are activated and millions die very quickly and then billions. Everyone is being warned and is free to decide for themselves and their families.

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Hi Terral, I have a couple questions - first what is the difference between the nano silver you sell and Sovereign Silver 10 ppm solution which is what we buy and have often taken when fighting a respiratory or other type infection.

Secondly, this may be a crazy question, but I'm curious about yours or other's answers - when the millions/billions die quickly from the nanotech activation, what in the world will life be like for the few survivors left, who out-smarted the psycho's depop. plan? At that point, It seems like it may not be worth living on a planet with these psychos left who will no doubt be planning more culling events or at best, controlling the remaining population to the degree of no freely enjoyable living left. BTW, I'm a Bible believing Christian and am hoping/praying God will rapture His people to heaven before this happens!

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Sovereign Silver is Colloidal Silver that is good for powering up the immune system, but inferior to Nano Silver for neutralizing SARS-VAX Binary Bioweapon threats.

Colloidal Silver vs. Nano Silver: https://elementasilver.com/blog/colloidal-silver-vs-nano-silver/

Your Sovereign Silver has a 1-2-year shelf life and has irregularly-sized particles suspended in distilled water. Terral03.com Nano Silver is spherical with a positive charge and a 5 nanometer diameter that passes easily through the blood-brain barrier with a 20-year shelf life kept in a dark place at room temperature.

The Apostle Paul writes and says that the "destruction will come suddenly like the birth pangs (earth changes) upon a woman (Earth) with child (Body of Christ) in 1Thes. 5:1-5. The world will be crying for "Peace and Safety!," because there will be no peace and no safety in the days before the final trumpet. Your question is flawed in that you seek answers about why life is worth living at the end of this period. We are to run the race as to win. Right? Running the race to win is about being numbered among the "living" when the final trumpet sounds. 1Cor. 15:51-55, 1Thes. 4:13-18. Everyone is carrying the SARS-VAX binary bioweapon components inside their body right now, as both have a reproductive number of greater than 10. Vaxxers are transfecting Non-Vaxxers with the VAX components that will be activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses. The Nano Silver penetrates the blood-brain barrier and into teeth and bones and scar tissue to zap (zombify) the bioweapon microbes transforming them into a secondary immune system. The Sodium Borate dissolves the nanofilament and hydrogel components allowing the body to remove the bioweapon components naturally. The Lord God will reach down and take us at our darkest hour. My goal is to help as many God-fearing Christians to be numbered among the "living" as possible to earn the greatest heavenly reward (2Cor. 5:10) to ultimately win the race. :0) The vast majority of people around us "are" worthy of the coming destruction like in the Days of Noah. Those among you heeding the warnings are numbered among the few, as Christ teaches for the Kingdom Dispensation at the end of the age in Matt. 7:13-14. Being on the regimen will help some of us to endure to the end to reap the greatest rewards that will endure for all the ages to come. BTW, everyone ordering their Nano Silver receives the ePub version (and extended PDF version) of my book The Mystery Explained that helps those for whom Christ died see God's wisdom hidden in plain sight. Thank you, again, for taking the time to write, with, Blessings in Christ, Terral

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Hi Terral, thank you for your reply! Maybe you can speak to this as well - I have long had questions about nano anything, as I’ve read “they” are making everything nano nowadays for a reason, and that crossing the blood brain barrier is not always a good idea. I don’t have the knowledge of details to explain it much further than that, but have just had concerns b/c of various information I’ve read. I always been interested in zeolite but never took it b/c it was nano particle sized and I did not like the sound of it entering my brain.

Secondly, I appreciate your comments about a reason to live through this predicted scenario, and yes, I guess my comment on that was pretty soulish and earthly minded! :0 Based on your sentence about being numbered among the "living" when the final trumpet sounds, are you referring to the last trumpet indicating the rapture of the saints or are you of a post tribulation belief? My husband and I are both pre-trib minded but we both agree we could be wrong. But IF pre-trib is right then I cannot imagine we will be here when this major death event you are describing happens. That seems like it would definitely be part of the tribulation judgments???

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Hi Bab: Thank you for writing. The bioweapon components penetrate the blood-brain barrier, bones, teeth, scar tissue, and you name it. Fighting fire with fire means using Nano Silver and Sodium Borate for neutralizing the bioweapon threats. The Pre-Post-Mid-Trib interpretations are all wrong. We are caught up to meet the Lord in the air (1Thes. 4:13-18) to put on immortality (1Cor. 15:51-55) just before the Day of the Lord begins (1Thes. 5:1-5). The Great Tribulation takes place at the "end of the age" (Matt. 24:3+) when the Black Star returns in about 3600 years. So, our Rapture takes place 3600 years before the Great Tribulation. The professing Bible Prophecy experts are all wrong. They mix the water (Kingdom doctrine for bride) and blood (Grace doctrine for the body) ministries of Christ together without knowing the difference. Most are inheriting the destruction from 2Peter 3:14-16. The truth is shared in my book The Mystery Explained. Everyone purchasing Nano Silver gets the ePub version and the extended PDF version attached to their notification email for free. Blessings, Terral

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Hi there, not a problem..it’s great you chimed in. I’m just doing my due diligence, a lot of todays issues and components are new frontiers for me…trying to make good decisions.

I am on board with the nano silver. Thankyou for your kind thoughts !

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BTW, a Q+A document is being drafted using your comments and questions-answered provided since March 2020. The document will be added to the PDF documents shared in the Terral03.com Nano Silver Purchase Notification Emails, when people order their Nano Silver at https://www.terral03.com and using Substack. Thank you for your due diligence and for chiming in to create the opportunity for my clarifying statements drafted to help others.

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Your education is much appreciated. I’ve got it now. Very considerate of you to explain so much. Definitely the upside of this horror - when kind hearts connect. Thanks Terral

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You are most welcome, sister. We do our best and God does the rest until God brings us home. Blessings, Terral

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watched dutch lady, learned 1nm approx for size of nano silver. I read when mixing yours it yields 10nm? Am I reading wrong? Is this sufficient to defend & fight against all things at this size?

lastly, are you familiar with a side effect of "shocks"? I have them, tho not even on NS yet. (only structured silver) SB seemed to increase shocks. Are they a sign that it is working? Don't like it, but.....

Would my dosing have to be more gradual?

I want to join in on this. thanks for your help.

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You are reading the info wrong, brother. Terral03.com Nano Silver is spherical with a positive charge and a 5nm particle size and a 20-year shelf life. You receive 60mL (2 ounces) in each bottle at 500ppm concentration. You then add to 3 liters of distilled water to get the 10ppm for taking daily doses. The 5nm particle size passes easily through the blood-brain barrier and into the bones and nooks-crannies of your body. No. The only side effects are good health benefits. A small percentage of people experience slight headaches when starting the regimen. You receive a ton of information when ordering your Nano Silver. Then, continue doing your own research to learn more.

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Please tell me where to best “subscribe”at $25/yr? Or is it $80 now? Only find tabs for $80. ready to purchase. Please advise. ALSO: Still stumped on you stating “mixing” results of nano yields 10ppm concentration for daily doses…then you explain this is 5nm particle size. BUT Conversion chart shows 10ppm=10,000 nm. not 5nm. can you help me here? We both know importance of nm size to do its job! :) Thanks for everything!

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Thank you for writing. The Black Star Report - Mystery Report Newsletter subscription options are below and start at just $25 per year. There is a 3-minute video included in your instructions, brother.

Nano Silver Genesis Nano Silver Mixing Video (3mins): https://youtu.be/HlsqYYT4HUQ

10ppm is 10 parts per million that is the Nano Silver particle concentration in the solution. You receive 500ppm in the 2-ounce bottles that are mixed into 3-liters of distilled water giving you 10ppm concentration. The 5nm is the 5 nanometer particle size. I hope this helps. Blessings, Terral

How to Access Newsletters: https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-access-terral03com-black-star

2025 Black Star Report Newsletter ($25 per year): https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=ACMF56KS3U462

2025 Black Star Report Newsletter + Survival Group Program ($50 per year): https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4N6VTD2VWNU2Q

2025 Mystery Report Newsletter ($25 per year): https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UHFH4CY5DJE3C

2025 Mystery Report + Tutor Program ($50 per year): https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=QFSN6CU5N34FE

How to Access Newsletters: https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-access-terral03com-black-star

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You’re the best! TY, Faithful one.

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I can’t find my comment. So…

Take 2: clarifying, Terral, by all due respect, what’s your source for NS to assure purity…&

how you speak w confidence over fine details/outcomes of using NS without before & after pictures? 🙏

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Yes. Your email was answered this morning. Order using Zelle from your online bank account (Terral Croft, terral@terral03.com) and send your mailing address. I am assuming that your mailing address is inside the USA.

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1. can’t find where to purchase NS via Zelle. Help?

2. you done live blood showing breakdown of matter against us w this?

3. Borax with NS best defense?

Thank you. You’re the best.

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1. Yes. Ordering using Zelle is simple from your online checking page. All you need is my name (Terral Croft) and my email address (terral@terral03.com) and the amount for whatever you want to purchase, which you can get here: https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store Write to me at terral@terral03.com with what you want to purchase (single order, double, 1/2 Monster Box, Monster Box) and your mailing address. Do that before 8AM Central Time here in the Ozarks, USA, and your order will be shipped in the morning. This is the last chance to get Nano Silver and all the instructions from me for the month of February! The next shipping day after tomorrow is next Friday, February 28, 2025.

2. No. Dr. Ana and Kelly Basher have done the blood work showing bioweapon components in the blood of E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. The Vaxxers have transfected those among you thinking yourselves to be NonVaxxers.

3. Yes. The Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen is the ONLY defense I am aware of that neutralizes these binary bioweapon threats. The Nano Silver inhibits bioweapon RNA-DNA replication/oxygen-enzyme activity. The Sodium Borate inhibits nanofilament replication while also dissolving the hydrogel-nano components allowing the body to remove the bioweapon debris naturally.

You are most welcome, with, Blessings, Terral

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Yes, TY. I’ve seen the pictures. I’m aware. I was asking if the “before & after” on borax & NS has been “viewed” & confirmed. 🙏

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Sorry I keep blowing you up. You are a patient man. 🙏

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I just purchased mine. What if I get it after they activate and start taking it after they activate?

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Holy ... Staying off the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen means the SARS mRNA binary bioweapon continues intertwining itself with your mitochondrial RNA to invade the nucleus and commander the cell behaving much like a retrovirus. The cell then divides for the bioweapon to take over more and more of your body. At some point, your immune system recognizes the invasion-takeover is happening to begin killing you. AI is also using the VAX components to transform you into Borg; a half human - half silicon-based programable lifeform machine. The Globalists activate the binary bioweapons allowing AI to decide if you are to be terminated or integrated into their New World Order.

Your question is like asking what happens if you use a condom after sex with someone infected with a serious transmissible disease. Or, what happens if I purchase a gun after being robbed? There is no getting on the regimen after electromagnetic-pulse activation, because your lungs filling with fluid for you to begin bleeding out from the chimeras being released from the SARS coronavirus payload section very quickly. The global population is carrying around a ticking timebomb inside their bodies and are completely unaware to the fact that Activation Day can happen at any moment.

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no proof these silver works on the real issues of chelating out of the body nonreal evidence i have found !!!

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Hi Robb: Thank you for writing. The Nano Silver inhibits bioweapon RNA-DNA replication/oxygen-enzyme activity to zombify the bioweapon microbes and reprogram them to become a secondary immune system. The Nano Silver - Sodium Borate combination dissolves the nanobot appendages, hydrogel, nanofilaments, etc., to cut AI-nanobot communications. The VAX components literally become unglued allowing the body to remove the debris naturally.

These manual chelating methods (recommended by Dr. Ana and her shills/trolls) chase the SARS-VAX binary bioweapons into hiding throughout the body for AI-electromagnetic pulse activation later in the timeline. Yes, your blood will have the appearance of being clear and everything looks good to go. However, you find out the hard way that the SARS-VAX binary bioweapon components are activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses when you lungs begin filling with fluid (cytokine storm immune system overreaction) and you begin bleeding from every orifice of your body on route to the hospital with everybody else.

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TY Terral

We all want these results. 🙏

This isn’t a challenging in a disrespectful way.

I appreciate you.

Before & after pictures aren’t available you said. Please explain—How do you tell us such details of results without a view?

Who is your NS source? Need confirmation that your source is clean.

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Hi Marked: You remind me of Thomas wanting to put his finger into the wound in order to believe. I was near my deathbed with a serious bacterial infection spreading from my mouth to the rest of my body, and without realizing what was happening. I woke up in the morning in my RV to answer emails to collapse on the couch to sleep until after dark for many weeks in June-July 2019, about the time Dana Ashley interviewed me. A bacterial infection had spread from all four quads of my mouth throughout my body and was affecting my brain. Doug wrote and offered his Nano Silver to me as a remedy that changed my life.

I was seeing my dentist every 3 months for cleanings due to health issues, until the technician pushed on a tooth that was coming loose. They did not realize that a bacterial infection was spreading from my mouth throughout my body. They recommended a dentist four cities to the north, but I found a nearby dentist office that as filled with oriental ladies. The doctor who owned the office ran in with X-rays saying that bacteria was eating away at my jaw and scull, and that she had to pull six teeth. She said that she had to put me on antibiotics for months before scheduling gum surgery. Doug's Nano Silver shortened that time to two weeks.

My new dentist was amazed to see the infection was gone so quicky. The restoration process ($30,000 worth) was completed very quickly instead of in months. Covid started in the transition from 2019 to 2020 and Doug wrote to me saying that Nano Silver was the silver bullet for the PlanDemic that was coming. I went onto and stayed on the regimen ever since and have not been sick like everyone around me. I understand through the Dutch lady (https://www.brighteon.com/ce03e7fe-c317-49bb-96c1-265e63b86aad) that the Nano Silver inhibits pathogen RNA-DNA replication and oxygen-enzyme activity.

I learned from my experiences with Lyme Disease that sodium borate is the best Nanofilament-replication inhibitor on the planet. The Lord our God has taken my through great adversity to reveal that the Nano Silver-Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen is the silver bullet for neutralizing these binary bioweapon threats. Dr. Deborah (my colleague for years) and I have been doing everything possible to bring Dr. Ana and Kelly Basher and Matt (Matt's Microscopy) into our investigation with no success. Each time we appear to be on the brink of obtaining the assistance we need to help more people, then the devil intervenes and we are back to square one.

Dr. Nicholas Corrin (https://terral.substack.com/cp/149970814) is a great man in Switzerland who is awake and unplugged from The Matrix who sees the Light on what is really happening all around us. He woke up and is helping many people and he purchases his Nano Silver from me. The source of Terral03.com Nano Silver is my lab that has provided Nano Silver for thousands and thousands of people since 2020.

The truth that you are seeking in a nutshell is this, and I will not invest time on this topic with you again: This is a highly-sophisticated binary bioweapon that runs and hides when under attack. You can use Ivermectin or any antiviral remedy to send the bioweapons into hiding. Your blood will appear clear, but the SARS-VAX binary bioweapons will be hiding within the blood-brain barrier, and in the bones-teeth, and in scar tissue for AI-electrometric-pulse activation later in the timeline. Therefore, even if Dr. Deborah, and Dr. Corrin, and Dr. Moeller and I found you 1000 sources providing you with images, you still MUST be on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen to survive the coming electromagnetic pulses that will activate the deadly chimeras inside the bodies of everyone unprotected.

I know this to be true because Our Creator told me so through His witnesses, and not because of what anyone has seen in their microscope. So, heed the warnings or not. That is up to you, but, right now anyone in the world can receive a single order of Nano Silver worth $800+ for $115 (paid subs for $100 inside the US, more for international orders) with documents providing an education. Our time to prepare is almost gone. My prayer is that you wake up and prepare. Blessings, Terral

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Praise God in the highest! I hadn’t heard your whole story. I’m honestly not a Thomas, I’m His beloved saved by grace, like you. I know about His voice that speaks in the night. I know about the darkest that looms, I’m wide awake. It’s just that He’s taught me to reach for clarity & hear His heart confirming my every step. Your willingness to share at this level has brought clarity. I honestly hadn’t heard your story like this. Thank you for your understanding & your willingness to share.

I pray you’ll hear my heart. I rejoice with you in His unfailing pursuit & deliverance. I’ll continue to pray for you as you step out, & I believe with you.

Thank you, Terral, from the bottom of my heart.

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Way to go Terral and Dr. Deborah. Heard about your paper from Dr. Corrin. Thank you for putting this valuable information together. God bless ❤️

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Hi Terral, do you ship outside of the US?

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Yes. Terral03.com ships to all countries in the world except for Argentina. All the International rates you see include shipping. Blessings, Terral

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I put it in a large gallon glass jar under the bed. Yes it should be put in a dark place at room temperature. Check my records for the first batch that I bought. Put in distilled water. It turned gray after a few months.

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it was under the bed in a gallon glass jar. That was the first batch that I bought. The second batch just tastes weird so we are only using it externally. The silver I have bought before, (from a different company ) the silver drops to the bottom of the container and makes the water turn grey

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So I was surprised when I saw this from Terral It has been in the glass jar under the bed since before Christmas.

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The Nano Silver has a 20-year shelf life kept in a dark place at room temperature.

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We should probably ask for a refund. there is no reason for the silver to turn grey

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one of the glass containers that I put the nano silver in turned gray.

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That's weird, did you keep it out of the sun? I'm about to order some

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Hi Natalia:

Thank you for writing. You store the two-ounce bottles (500ppm concentrate) in the USPS package in a dark place at room temperature (in a drawer or anywhere). You then mix 3 liters at a time according to the instructions provided in your notification email that has a link to a short 3-minute video. I store my mixed Nano Silver in one-quart amber glass jars under a black garbage bag on the lower shelf in my lab. Then, I use a 16-ounce amber bottle (Brew Dr Kombucha from the grocery store) for taking daily doses. The bottle sits inside a cardboard sleeve on my desk. Then, I use the empty 2-ounce amber bottles used to ship your Nano Silver also for taking daily doses. I keep a half dozen of them in my desk drawer for putting in my pocket and taking with me when going to town or taking trips. One 2-ounce bottle holds 12 doses. I then have multiple 16-ounce amber bottles in the top drawer of my dresser beside my bed with 2-ounce bottles in the drawer of my nightstand. There is also an emergency 2-ounce bottle in my travel bag that goes with me everywhere in case I forget to put one of the 2-ounce bottles in my pocket when leaving the house. I place a pinch of Sodium Borate in my 30-oz aluminum insulated drinking cup three times each day and keep the glass with me on my desk, beside my bed, and in the truck with me everywhere I go. I have been on the regimen since March 2020 and being on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen is second nature for me. Thank you, again, for writing, with, Blessings, Terral

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Terral I'm very new to. this I ordered my silver and taking the sodium borate..When you take the silver for the alotted time under the tongue whenyou are done do you ingest it or spit it out?Also why take both ,?what if one was to take the sodium borate only?

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The Nano Silver at the 10ppm concentration is absorbed into the soft tissue of the mouth (under the tongue) in about 30 seconds leaving only distilled water in your month. I simply swallow. The Nano Silver stopped the bioweapon RNA-DNA replication and oxygen-enzyme activity (see Webinar Video posted at https://www.terral03.com).


The Nano Silver zaps and zombifies the pathogen microbes transforming them into a secondary immune system.

Nanofilament Replication Inhibitor: https://www.brighteon.com/12948cfd-4c05-4352-bbef-f21c6fa8ffa1

Sodium Borate is the best known Nanofilament-replication inhibitor on the planet that works in combination with the Nano Silver for neutralizing the bioweapon threats. The Sodium Borate eats the appendages from the nanobots inhibiting AI ability to communicate and manipulate them inside our bodies. Taking only the Sodium Borate is like taking only Ivermectin or another natural antiviral that sends the SARS bioweapons into hiding to await electromagnetic activation, but without AI-nanobot interactions. I stay on my Nano Silver - Sodium Borate regimen for neutralizing binary bioweapon, viral, bacterial, fungal, and contagion-pathogen threats.

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Wound this also work for graphene oxide and LNPs with associated toxic chemicals found in Chemtrails?

I also saw someone is looking at rainwater and they are seeing self assembling bots. Similar to what is seen in the bio weapon jab.

We are being sprayed daily where I live. There is residue on my car. EU residue was tested showing chemicals from Chemtrails. It’s in our groundwater and food supply. Doesn’t matter if grass fed organic anymore

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Hi Terral

I am new to this also. I believe we are to take a small pinch 3 times a day, correct?

Also on one of your video's I thought you mentioned that you took the sodium borate 5 days during the week and the 2 days off on the weekend. Is that what you recommend? Thank you.

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Yes. I place one small pinch in my regular drinking water three times each day. Yes. Five days on during the week and off on the weekends with the sodium borate.

Earth Clinic: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/borax.html

Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borax

Nanofilament Replication Inhibitor: https://www.brighteon.com/12948cfd-4c05-4352-bbef-f21c6fa8ffa1

Morgellons Disease Treatment: https://www.brighteon.com/f0038520-18a7-4fc8-b60a-bf68c81896e1

How to Mix, Use, and Store Your Nano Silver (Video): https://www.brighteon.com/0a11df24-30c0-4756-b44f-9335fc928ab3

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Oct 18, 2023
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Hi Fleur: Thank you for writing. Yes, of course. The instructions provided in your Terral03.com notification email (PDF's) were written by Doug who put together the program over a 50-year period. You receive 2-oz bottles (actually 60mL) of Nano Silver @ 500ppm concentration. Adding the entire contents to a 3-liter bottle of distilled water produced Nano Silver at the 10ppm concentration for taking doses. Do the math and add half the water to the 3 liters to increase the ppm concentration as desired, or add two of the 2-ounce bottles if that works for you.

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