Crooks Was Positioned Too Far from the Roof Ridge to Assassinate Trump
The Rifle Evidence Looks Staged Like the Assassination Attempt
Reviewing the related evidence in this Trump assassination attempt case leads to more questions than answers. Let us begin here and turn away if you are made queasy by the sight of blood:
From what I understand, Greg is the Secret Service counter-sniper who photographed Crooks from the second-story window that overlooks this roof position. Note the AR located at the center left of the picture that is at least six feet away from Crooks’ body. There is no blood trail leading to the rifle that should be held by Crooks with blood all over it from the head wound. Mike Adams provides good commentary in his analysis:
Brighteon Broadcast News, July 24, 2024 – BOMBSHELL leaked video confirms Secret Service sniper team STOOD DOWN while shots were fired
Go to the 58-minute mark and hit Play.
Here is a shot of the warehouse roof where Crooks was shot and where law enforcement is standing in the previous video. A Secret Service counter-sniper team was positioned on this second floor and was looking out these windows when Crooks was maneuvering into position. Watch Mike Adams’ video that includes the information shared in this shorter version entitled:
The official "lone gunman" story is a SLOPPY LIE
Watch this video also for more related information:
UPDATED multi-track audio analysis of shooting reveals SHOCKING Secret Service failure
This is some of the best evidence available to us today, which shows great inconsistencies in the official story. There are two major problems for me that point to this entire assassination attempt being staged:
Crooks’ body appears to be too far from the roof ridge for taking any shots at Trump.
Place the rifle in Crooks’ hands flat on his stomach in shooting position and he cannot see Trump through the roof ridge. If you watched all of the video footage from above, then Adams makes a good case for Crooks taking no shots at all. The rifle appears to be placed in this position after Crooks was killed. There are no base casings because the shots were taken from the second-story window by the Secret Service counter snipers. The eight casings held in evidence by the FBI will not match Crooks old-style AR.
The blood on Trump in the photos does not match what we should see in the evidence.
Here is the ballistic data for the 5.56 NATO round showing the bullet velocity at 130 yards at around 2700 fps. Here is a study on shock wave damage causes by high-velocity bullets (missiles). The study says:
Direct effect of missile is the permanent tissue loss along the local track; the tissues are compressed ahead of the track by a compression in the form of shock waves of spherical form so that tissue damage can be produced in a considerable distance away from the original missile track.
Look at Trump’s ear closely for signs of a wound. The bullet was traveling from right to left in this image that should show skin tissue from his ear and blood along the bullet path through is hair that is not present. This would should be bleeding profusely with blood running down his ear onto his clothes, but there is not even a single drop on his collar. The evidence seems to indicate that a red liquid substance was applied to Trump’s ear when he ducked behind the podium when he was face down. The liquid ran down his face from the force of gravity, but for a brief period. We see no signs of any bleeding whatsoever other than the applied liquid substance.
Run the video at .25 speed and tell me if you see any signs of blood in Trumps’ right hand after he is shot and before he ducks behind the podium. The first think we would do when shot in the ear is put our hands on the wound to feel for damage, which is exactly what Trump did. Please be on the lookout for any video footage taken by any of the Trump supporters behind the podium.
As Mike Adams says repeatedly, the conclusions can change with new evidence that helps us develop new hypotheses and claims for finding the truth. My conclusions today include Trump being part of this elaborate staged assassination attempt. Crooks is the patsy who never fired one shot. He was crawling into position when the Secret Service counter snipers began firing from the second-story window behind him. They missed Trump deliberately and took at their patsy when the order was given. Think things through to realize that the FBI-DHS-Secret Service-Etc., could not allow Crooks to take a shot and miss Trump. A key critical factor in any staged event includes complete command and control.
The Global Bankster Cartel has selected Trump to be the Republican candidate for president, as part of a contingency if there is another election. Harris will go through this honeymoon period with the Democrats to then crash and burn like Biden leading up to the convention. Either Michael Obama or Hillary Clinton, or a combination of both will be selected to run against Trump, as part of one likely scenario. Or, the Globalists activate the Terror Cells and bioweapons (post, Page 93) and the US is under martial law. In any case, something very bad is coming and we are wise to be prepared.
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Disagree with your analysis of the bullet strike on the ear and your analysis of sonic shock wave from the bullet. The damage is consistent with a 5.56 strike on the cartilage of the ear. First, shock wave damage to a body is hydro-static shock. Hydro-static shock requires a "hydro" environment, i.e., flesh and organ tissue. There is no hydro-static shock against a bone or cartilage; the damage is impact damage. Furthermore, wound appears to be entirely to the ear, i.e., nothing to the exterior skull skin. Cartilage does not bleed like a skin, fat and muscle, i.e., gelatinous material, so it is more than plausible there would be little bleeding. Appears to me you are equating hydro-static shock with sonic shock. Regarding the effect of the sonic shock, take as a case in point the pin hole puncture of a mach 5 bullet on target paper. The hole is no bigger than than the diameter of the bullet. The exception is if the bullet is tumbling.... I offer my curriculum vitae. Retired military. Competed three years in military long distance competitions and placed in top 3 positions. Competed 3 or 4 additional years as a civilian. I am also aware of the consequences of bullets on flesh.... Generally, I appreciate you dark star reporting and preparedness commentary. Those two items are you strong point.
Crooks can easily shoot over the ridge line if he was up on his elbows as he appears in other pictures. His chest was not on the ground at all.