On Earth, as It Is in Heaven, as It Is in God’s Infinite Realm
Distinguishing the Nephilim, Sons of God, Satan, Dragon, and Devil
This newsletter program is all about helping people see God’s wisdom hidden in plain sight using His three witnesses of spirit, water, and blood testifying in the Holy Scriptures from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation.
August 19, 2024
Hi Gary:
Thank you for writing.
On Sat, Aug 5, 2023 at 8:18 AM Gary wrote:
I have always read and been told that Nephilim were the offspring of the "Sons of God" : that the sons of God saw that the daughters of mankind were [a]beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Gen. 6
which I thought were bad Angels on the side of Satan or the incarnated Dragon in the Word Realm.
Keep in mind the phrase, "...on Earth AS IT IS in Heaven AS IT IS in God's Infinite Realm...".
The Earth is divided into the heavens (domain of angels), and heaven (domain of immortal souls), and earth (domain of men, the angel's lesser half). The Earth (like this literal 3rd rock from the Sun) by 'powers, world forces of this darkness (that fell in Gen. 1:2), and forces of 'wickedness in the heavenly places.' Eph. 6:12. While the sons of God (creation, all things, Earth awaiting our appearing) shall inhabit the heavenly seats during the upcoming Day of the Lord, and for all the ages to come, those heavenly seats are currently occupied by the sons of the devil-darkness-disobedience. Those sons of darkness (like the sons of Light) could pass through the veil dividing earth and heaven to incarnate onto the earth, until the Lord God sealed the passage, when the Black Star came and left during the Days of Noah.
This is how the Holy Spirit incarnated onto the earth as Melchizedek (for example) that is typical of God's Word incarnating "in" Adam in God's Infinite Realm to provide intercession for the sons of God also incarnate "in" him; along with those represented by the sixth-day people, when God created Adam in the first place. Therefore, if you are following, in regard to your query, "You are gods, And ALL OF YOU are sons of the Most High." Ps. 82:6. God created all His sons in God's infinite Realm, whether they are incarnate here as sons of righteousness-Light-obedience, or sons of unrighteousness-Darkness-disobedience. Some hosts are destined for glory in the Light, while those aligned with Satan-Dragon-Devil are destined for the Lake of Fire. The children of Light will put on immortality (1Cor. 15:51-55) and the children of Darkness will put on immortality only wishing they could die, when they wake up and realize they will be in torment suffering God's wrath and condemnation to the ages of the ages.
However, based on our latest emails "Sons of God" the name is also used to call out the Infinite Realm "Sons of God" that has the ability to incarnate into each other.
Yes. Satan and his minions incarnate in the sons of God in God's Infinite Realm like everybody else. Sons consenting and being deluded and deceived are part of the process leading to the fall. You can clearly see that the devil is in the world and even the god of this world. Right?
Okay then. "... on Earth (devil) AS IT IS in Heaven (dragon) AS IT IS in God's Infinite Realm (Satan)”. God is dealing with Satan (spirit) and the dragon (blood) and the devil (water) all testifying for Satan in God's Infinite Realm in God's courtroom. Satan's head has been severed for his body to be pressed against the Second Veil that is the "outer darkness" being summed up in the Lake of Fire, again, to the ages of the ages. The dragon's head (fighting Michael) has been cut off but has yet to hit the ground. Time and judgment in this Earth realm are catching up to match what has already been. Ecc. 1:9-11. God is dealing with the devil inside each of us one host and one son of God at a time.
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