China-Russia-BRICS Is Planning Attack and Invasion of the United States
Connecting the Dots: Hunga-Tonga Missile Strike, NASA Future Strategic Warfare 2025, Illegal Alien Invasion, Israel-Hamas WW3, Dragon Day
The United States and the Western World is walking into to trap set by the corrupt Biden Administration, corrupt Congress, and their fascist Nazi Fourth Reich counterparts working with China-Russia-BRICS for the destruction and invasion of the United States and US allies. The evidence is everywhere and overwhelming for those willing to sit down and connect the dots. The image below shows a China-Russia-BRICS Carrier-Killer Missile splashing down near Hunga-Tonga to detonate and produce a what has been characterizes as a record-setting volcanic eruption (Reuters, NASA, IFL Science, Smithsonian, ABC News, News, See Shockwave Animation)…
… when in fact, this was no volcanic eruption at all.
Click on the video link and watch in Full Screen mode to realize you are watching the detonation of a China-Russia-BRICS Carrier-Killer Missile.
Watch video:
China and Russia are boasting about their Carrier-Killer Missiles, which means the capabilities are much greater than advertised. Below is a copy of my Press Release warning message sent to the major News outlets around the world on January 19, 2022.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Contact: Terral Croft,
Chief Researcher
Harrison, Arkansas – The Project Black Star Investigators at have identified evidence of an airborne missile in flight and splashing down for the payload to detonate at the epicenter location of the 5.8 Hunga Tonga Earthquake using satellite images1,2,3,4*. The USGS seismic data5 identified the earthquake epicenter depth at sea level (0.0-kilometers6) common to military missile tests in ocean waters7. The Japan Times8 reported North Korea missile tests on January 15, 2022 (CBSNews Update9), the same day as the 5.8 Hunga-Tonga Ha’apai volcanic eruption event. A complete scan of all available satellite imagery will provide the data required for US Military elements at the Diego Garcia Facility10 to identify the source of the missile launch. The evidence supports the hypothesis that the Koreans chose the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Volcano crater location as the missile strike location due to recent volcanic activity11 providing cover for the ongoing missile test operation. China and/or Russia may be using the recent Hunga-Tonga volcanic activity, and North Korea’s missile tests, as a cover for China’s “Carrier Killer” Missile Tests12,13 in preparation for an attack on the United States.
1. 1News Australia:
2. 1News Australia Video:
3. Scott Manley YouTube:
4. Brighteon: (@10:37+ best images*)
5. 5.8 Hunga-Tonga Earthquake Data (USGS):
6. USGS: M 3.9 Experimental Explosion - 169 km ENE of Ponce Inlet, Florida:
8. North Korea Missile Test (01.15.2022):
10. Diego Garcia Facility:
11. Matangi Tonga Online:
13. Business
The NASA Future Strategic Issues/Warfare 2025 documentation clearly lays out the strategy being deployed by China-Russia-BRICS working with the Global Bankster Cartel (owners of the FED and central banks around the world), the Council on Foreign Relations, Global Intelligence Community and Global Military Industrial Complex with their corrupt politicians in the United States.
NASA Future Strategic Issues/Warfare 2025: (Page 93)
Multiple US Carrier Groups have been deployed to the Middle East to participate in what many characterize as the start of WW3. A good idea might be for everyone to read the NASA Warfare Strategy document for identifying and neutralizing the related threats that include what we see here on Page 93. We should anticipate that:
US Navy Carrier Fleets will be destroyed simultaneously with giant mushroom clouds and shockwaves expanding over those locations to Shock and Awe the entire world.
Americans and citizens of the Western World will be captured and tortured in living color on prime time News.
Terror cells will be activated using military elements that have been crossing US borders using the Biden-Harris Catch-and-Bus Program since the day Biden took office.
The AI-assisted SARS-Vax “Binary Bioweapons” will be activated using a series of electromagnetic pulses.
Critical power-water-fuel-food-healthcare-banking-etc. infrastructure will be taken down by terror cell elements activated throughout the United States and Western World.
Directed Energy Weapons will be used against the Sheeple.
The National Guard will be deployed to no avail, and then the US Military, and then UN Troops will be deployed using foreign national elements already positioned in the United States.
The Sheeple are being distracted using disinformation propaganda and the Media, so you never think to look up and see what is coming from space to terraform the planet. The Media is covering the Biden Crime Family and Hunter Biden and the corruption regarding the millions and millions of dollars coming from China-Russia-BRICS, but nobody is asking what our enemies are receiving in return.
Watch the Dragon Day Trailer and the Full Movie using the links below to gain some idea of what has been planned by the Global Elite since before anyone here was born.
Recommendations for neutralizing these threats:
Join a strong survival group, or create a strong group with your family and friends.
Get yourself and your family on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate regimen ASAP to stop the RNA-DNA replication/oxygen-enzyme activity and nanobot-nanofilament replication.
Convert fiat paper into survival-related stuff like guns, ammo, food, small-denomination silver for barter, power backup equipment, water purification supplies, diesel, etc.
Relocate away from the coasts, large lakes, dams, etc., and highly-populated areas.
Time is running out. Identify threats, create contingencies and execute on time.
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Contact Terral:
I think you’re right in the money. Hopefully people will follow through and do what’s necessary to have a chance of surviving.
Keep Jesus Christ in your life.
cant do any of the reccos. and im near the east coast. 9-11 bombings were on the currency. nuke over NY causing tsunami is on the currency. check johnathon kleck. when folded into pentagram.